So he's read where people want him to be replaced because tick tock Garland...so this is some sort of CYA...because the Jan 6th committee gets shut down by R's if they do what typically happens during election years after one party wins the presidency...I think a year is plenty of time, truly. It isn't like we didn't see it happen in real freakin' time on the internet, TV and they taped themselves...I really still don't see the reason for this taking YEARS.

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marcy wheeler is fuckin killing it these days, and because shes reading All The Briefs she can paint a pretty good picture of the prosecution so far.

had yet another barnburner of a post today,


honestly, reading her is the only reason im not constantly a puddle of incoherent rage, rather than the seething, steaming pot of semi-coherent rage i have been.

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Who keeps putting a microphone in front of these clowns?

Oh, right, Fox...

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Watched tits may never boil but they do burn if you accidently splash hot oil on them. Then they hurt like the devil.

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Oh now the bots come with GIFs. *Eye rolling*

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Can’t stop snickering about Meatball McPeenerToilet 😂😂😂😂😂

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He definitely wanted to follow up "In complex cases, initial charges are often less severe than later charged offenses" with "ya dipshits"

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Djokovic deported.

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Cause this isn't law and order. The Elizabeth Holmes trial just finished and it came out in 2015

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Still, Whittaker was less sinister than his successor, Barr none.

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Momma Mia, thats a-some-a stupid Meat-a-ball.

I totally believe he would have sung that song if it had been written.

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Well we have Mr Garlands word. Color me impressed.

Will he commit sepuku if he's wrong/lying?

He should.Pelosi lied about splitting BIF and BBB, Manchin lied about good faith negotiations.TFG lied with every breath.

His word? There are no repercussions for politicians telling bold faced lies, and there won't be.Punishment is for little people.

If Muslims had committed the acts of Terrorism we saw on 1/6 they would have been charged with terrorism and arrested immediately.Garland has let white GOP terrorists plead guilty to misdemeanors and get 14 days in jail and community service.

Garland has let this coup cancre grow while he slavishly follows (hides behind?) customs, not rules.Nov 2022 is minutes away, and the GQP will make TFG speaker of the house before this insipid sham of a DOJ lays a glove on them.

The DOJ is not charging them like the terrorists they are, so is it any wonder that 40% of the country thinks that that these hateful violent bigots are Patriots?

Arrest TFG now for the obstruction of justice detailed in the Meuller whitewash report.

They could arrest the lot today and add charges later. But they choose not to.

So sick of Democrat's cowardice in the face of our country's extinction.

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And since the American electorate apparently has the attention szpan of a goldfish with ADD; slow-rolling it to nearer the mid-terms might be good strategy.

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On top of spaghetti all covered with cheeseI lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.....

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