They're waking up. Slowly but surely.

Because they have no choice.

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I'm gonna push back on that 90% support background checks thing. That doesn't factor what they would be checking for. Someone that wants to keep guns away from abusers and a guy that wants to keep guns away from Muslims are both counted the same there.

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I'll believe Mace isn't awful when she actually votes in not awful ways. Don't forget that she voted yay on the most recent anti choice House bill that she, herself, passionately denounced on the House floor.

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How ‘bout between the weather and sports on local news, we have a forecast (with a smile) of the local shootings in your area?

It’s a no-brainer!!

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Let's harden all the most obvious targets ... truly harden them. (Um, what does it take to withstand multiple bursts from an AR-15? How about the also-legal AK-47? Much heavier round, I believe.) Now harden the next most obvious targets that our red-blooded Murican neighbors shift to. Yeah, let's harden the ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY, so the not-well regulated militia can have their Scalia toys. The richest nation (ever? anywhere?) will fall by bankrupting itself, financially in addition to morally. USA! USA! USA#

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I will definitely take the word of a dude who once looked deep into his heart and concluded “crack seems nice.”

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An interim step will be for red states to fund hardening charter schools but not public schools.

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Addictive behavior: you know what would help my meth problem? MORE METH!!

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Nancy Mace change party? Thanks for the laugh. And Stephen, it wasn’t freaking out about crime in NY. NY Democrats did he same kind of gerrymandering to put themselves in a permanent majority that is routine in R states. It was challenged and a creepy Cuomo-appointed judge took revenge and gave us the current situation.

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"hardening private schools", fify. Many, if not most, charters are public charters, and there is mostly nothing wrong with them. I've worked at 3.

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