Well, they were both bred for temperament. 😁

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How much hiney, exactly?

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Poorest of poor folk food. Goddamn it's good.

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I know the breeder for this one. We sponsor her work for a 5 year exclusive. She's a pain in the ass. Very demanding. Grows a real nice plant though.

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That's what she said!

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God bless us, every one?

Obey Zardoz?

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How can it be National Hamburger Day if it runs the whole 3-day weekend?

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Woke calendars don't tell me what a day is.

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As long as those masks aren't used to prevent the spread of disease...

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Fits perfectly with white supremacy season!

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You're 80% there with your Manly MEAT burger - none o' that wussy vegan stuff. You're good.

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Oh no way! I want to hear so much more about what you do! I've only ever conducted biology experiments by my front porch!

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I know - saw it right after posting and left it. Shoulda pointed it out but I knew for sure I have some like 14 minded friends here who would hook me up.

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I saw this at the grocery today- last time I noticed this crap it was all about senile Biden and how Kamalawas secretly in charge. This is certainly different. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Let's make him hand that gavel over in 2024, how about it


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I have shots of those near my PT & Pilates studio

But I would have to find them

In the meantime have some iris


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