Metro Section: A Meat Infusion Blender
The League of Women Voters sponsor the final debate between George Allen and Jim Webb tonight at 8PM. The WP expects the debate to be about issues , but we're really hoping for basically anything else. Tune in to WETA, CSPAN, or lace up your boots and stop by the Richmond TV station and make us proud. [ Metroblogging DC ]
Any Jews eating in a Sukkah this week? Aside from Foreskin George? [ Don't Gel Too Soon ]
We're not sure why it's OK to have your ass slapped by strangers in public. But, you know, we don't read "erotica" or watch premium cable. [ No Sex & The City ]
Whatever the Great American Condom Campaign is, they are hosting anEyes Wide Shutparty, in a mansion, on the 28th. [ The Gentlemen of the CPMC ]
When we need a cab early in the AM we call several companies, because celebrities are just like you, and we hope at least one will show. Typically, none do, and we take the first cab to drive by. One Arlington dispatcher keeps track of your no-shows, and will blacklist you. Shouldn't it be the other way around? [ Read Express ]