Metro Section: Fight For Old DC
DC: a less shitty place to live than other places that are more shitty. [ Lawsomnia ]
Redskins' marketing department great at coming up with ways to, "distract our moronic fans from realizing how we constantly bend them over and fuck them in the ass." [ Why I Hate DC ]
List obsessed Forbes magazine ranks DC 9th in best cities for singles. [ Metroblogging DC ]
The ranking would have been higher if not for the fat flasher of 16th street. [ Shiftless Badger ]
City Paper EIC Erik Wemple is less of a journalist, more of a crusader against hypocrisy in city government and, ah, doggy day spas. [ Circumlocutor ]
The alt-weekly can, however, still be trusted to not miss a single instance of the loony-toon crazy ramblings of Brother Marion.
[ City Paper ]