
Do we REALLY have to share a species, a continent, much less a country, with these evil douchenozzles who lie and lie and lie, who cannot admit the truth with their "everybody knows" (fill in your own baseless fear-mongering bullshit)? We have thousands and thousands of loud mouthed ninnies constantly yelling "FIRE!!!" and drowning out the sober voices of sane people who try to warn us against ACTUAL threats, such as the racists who make the whole country unsafe for POC, immigrants, and generally EVERYBODY else. The world grows hotter every year, the polar icecaps and the subarctic tundra are melting, deadly tropical diseases march north with their mosquito carriers, our supply of potable water shrinks, and these nutters take up all the oxygen in their constant freakouts about the monsters under their beds.

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But, you're fucking confused, my guy. Republican governors are the ones who put people on buss and ship them around the country.

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Obligatory every accusation is an admission post.

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"Our cities", motherfucker? Did you save the receipts?

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I’m pretty convinced the Founding Fathers created the Constitution to protect the sane and civilized people from the fringe weirdos like this guy. It used to be easier to ignore nutters yelling about things like busloads of commies invading our homeland to vote illegally. Now they are elected officials, doing real harm and interfering with real progress. Two of the major reasons are the lack of stringent qualifications and proper vetting of candidates running for high offices, and the lack of campaign finance reform. People who see 3 buses at an airport and immediately believe they must be filled with illegal immigrants bused in by the federal government to vote illegally, and who then share that belief publicly should have no place in any responsible government.

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"The fact's, ma'am, just the facts*."

- Sgt. Joe Friday

* and if i don't like your facts, i'll substitute my own!

[ Gonzaga for the Gonzagans! ]

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Crom on his dark misty mountain.

"We know this is happening ... the whole nation knows ... everyone knows ... "

Meaning "Our purblind batshit minority of credulous dumbos believes it."

The longer I live the more I agree with the man who wrote, "When 'everybody knows' such and such - then it ain't so, by at least ten thousand to one."

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Leonard Cohen has entered the chat:


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“We’re now the Liberation Army of Gonzaga.”


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Ta, Dok. Can't fix stupid, especially when it's willful stupidity.

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Mar 29Liked by Martini Glambassador

“We certainly aren’t holding our breath waiting for Maddock to admit he looks like an idiot.” He looks like an idiot because he IS an idiot.

He made a blunder about the buses. A blunderbus(s) one might say.

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one of my shittier beliefs that I have to fight against but... I have met many many people that look smart and turned out to be nothing close while the reverse has almost never happen.

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Which would have turned into a nothingburger and been forgotten soon enough if he'd just quietly deleted the tweet and never mentioned it again.

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If I ran the world, the Gonzaga basketball team would come storming out of the locker rooms dressed as aliens just to mess with the Q-bots. Not like immigrant aliens, but Roswell aliens with probes and rayguns and stuff.

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And what would these probes look like?

Asking for a friend.

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railroad spikes, if I may venture a suggestion, to be applied anally, orally or directly to the forehead.

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"The process of investigating these issues takes time."

pretty sure "investigators" figured it was basketball players like... immediately?

not exactly an NBC Mystery Movie here.

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Gonzaga?! Sounds suspiciously like Gonzales & we all know anyone named Gonzales must be an undocumented person!

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Gonzaga is a Catholic school. I bet most of the immigrants crossing the border are Catholic. Ergo, ipso facto. Habeus corpus. Res ipsa loquitor. Semper ubi sub ubi. Carpe diem. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

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Without their fake poutrage, conservatroids would have NOTHING to natter on about, NOTHING.

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Booger-eating moron can't even spell 'buses' correctly.

He's dead to me.

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"busses" was still acceptable if increasingly uncommon when I learned grammar around 1990.

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I was taught that a buss was a wet, sloppy kiss.

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The existence of Michiganders implies the existence of Michigeese.

And Michigoslings.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

But is grease for the Michigoose grease for the Michiganders?

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Everyone thinks this is all just silly GQP fun, but you just wait until Gov. Greg Abbot hears about it and starts having any team showing up to play the Cowboys arrested and deported to Mexico as soon as they land in Texas and are met by their team busses.

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That sounds just about as bad as pissing off the Coca-Cola Company.

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