I live in a small-ish place, with 2500-3000 ppl, and we don`t have a single cafè or coffee shop, although the gas station has a deep fryer and a hot dog stand. They make really good burgers though, and after they got a new coffee machine that use real whole fat milk instead of that ghastly milk powder, their cappuchino and latte is actually pretty good. I bet they regret selling me a yearcup though, that thing paid for itself in a day lol.

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Just fucking nail their asses!

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They can just use synthetic CDOs and other derivatives to short. CDSs on t-bills are dirt cheap. This would set off a cascade of algorithmic programmed selling creating an illiquid market, which in turn creates a currency crisis setting off hyperinflation and a credit freeze. Moreover, the treasury needs to issue new tranches constantly to meet obligations passed by congress--which in an illiquid market, auctions would quickly fail, drying up reserves to run basic functions of government and Fed bank lending. In short, the economy would thoroughly collapse in days, if not hours.

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That wouldn't really work - as soon as they started dumping their notes, the price would crater and they'd lose tons of value in the remaining ones. Plus the vast majority of them are owned by domestic investors (pension funds, savings bonds, etc.) who would pounce on the bargain.

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"Yes, I am a big shooter, a very BIG SHOOTER, pulling the levers of power, making the world work, behind closed doors...I could really be historying, if only the damn Twitter would work"

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Think of it this way he's upholding family tradition. He just might get his father's wing in the clink, his family would already know the procedure for visits.

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This is so painful to look at. There are stores in New York that cater to men with money there are suits that would look nice on even these bodies, fit well in flattering colours. These men have access to these stores, they have money, they're in these very ugly suits.

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You assume that Trump can read and understand complicated things. The way he speaks he's barely on a high school level of reading and comprehension.

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He only has himself to blame with that. Anyone with sense knows to tell your lawyer the truth, shut up and take your lawyer's advice also pay them. Trump has no ability to do any of these things, hence he has no competent legal advisors.

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most everything makes me sleepy except when I want to sleep to escape. The cats sleeping while wrapped around him is sooo keyooot

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Gomer always seemed to get the better of Sarge.

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Twitter, like FB uses the presupposition that people, other than my kids, maybe the people whose insurance pays me (poorly) to diagnose their maladies, and the internet ad robot give a shit what I think.

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I got a couple I'm not using.

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from which there is no return? (oops, I was thinking of the wrong song and verse)

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correct but the sentiment is in the right place and also too about Mo Dowd.

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Me too. I would never rat out my handler.https://www.prague.eu/en/ar...

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