I'm an urban living lawyer and I have a chainsaw. I'll happily take anyone's small tree down for the wood and a few beers but when they get above a certain size I won't go near them. Wimps and frauds indeed.

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Let's just call him Al.

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Assumes she has the ability to feel.

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At some recent point in that timeline, Emir of (Terrorist Haven) Qatar was welcomed to the WH for photo op with Cheeto. That was prolly the day he brought Jared's check.

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It was Al all the time.

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No self-respecting horse would have allowed that anywhere NEAR its back.

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I was with part of the tour in Georgia with Sec. of Ag. and former indescribably corrupt Gov. Sonny Perdue when he swung by after a hurricane decimated cotton plants.He did a presser after the tour. First question from TV reporter: "How did you feel when you saw all this damage?"A better question would have been: "How did you feel when you quadrupled your net worth while governor and benefited from a retroactive tax measure passed by the Legislature that only applied to you on a Florida land investment?"

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True, apologies to the ponies for impugning their taste.

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Never had to deal with Mormons, but I know from friends that they try to keep their commercial dealing within the religion.

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She does, after all, have fingers. How else would one feel?

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Damn, that's a nice device!

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There are some really cool mobility devices out there, something to suit almost any disability. All you need is money, because Medicare won't pay for anything you use outside your house.

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To get back to your timeline--Click your Rubik's Cubes together, while saying "There's no place like home." Of course the two Cubes must each be in its right configuration, out of about eleventy-gazillion-plus, for each.

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Anyone would be numbed. Or be benumbed.

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I have kids I teach, here in Qatar, spell their own names differently from one day to the next. Parents spell the kid’s name differently in the same email.

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