I remember the Traina. That was a lot of years ago. I guess Tom picked her up later.

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Tom Perkins makes me sad. He was a hot-shit techie and biz guy way back in the day. He made his fortune mostly by being ahead of the curve. Kleiner Perkins wasn't, for the most part, a vulture organization. They did actually support the creation of quite a few jobs (although most of the "million" would inevitably be offshore).

Now he's even older than me, and his fee-fees are hurt, and he's doing a wonderful impression of an out-of-touch super-rich asshole.

Tom, dude, you <i>won</i>. You're richer than fuck, you've probably fucked anybody you ever wanted to, and you're still goddam alive to enjoy life a little more. You were even lucky enough to be too young for WW2 and too old for Vietnam, so you don't have to have any guilt feelings about military service. Chances are, some of your bucks came courtesy of gaming the tax system, but most people don't hold that against you. What's done is done -- we'd only like to correct the rules of the game going forward.

While you will have a happy rest of your life, you're gonna be dead fairly soon. At this point, I'd say there's no chance you're gonna be confused with Nelson Mandela, but unless you actually aspire to be held in the same esteem as Donald Trump, I'd suggest you STFU.

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Snark shaming?

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Yacht polisher, wine bringer, tax accountant, number-of-homes rememberer, dancing horse podiatrist, mistress, etc.

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He's just in it to create jobs.

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This line of reasoning is akin to what the priests would say to the congregation. 'Don't worry about your sorry life in this realm, you'll be rewarded in heaven. If you do what you're told'.

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eggzactly- just like Trix isn't responsible for Pareene's dumb comments about MM because...


(good thing you guys still don't allow comments or you'd be changing the name of the place faster than a West Virginia chemical company)

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Better ... it's more likely to work out to your advantage.

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You're right . . . I looked through my dad's old <a href="http:\/\/www.thisisdisplay.org\/images\/made\/bookimages\/sutnat_amplumbing1_700_525.jpg" target="_blank">American Standard Bible</a> , and it definitely ain't in there.

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Goddamn tenors.

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Damn, those guys are good.

Edit: and, by "guys" in this case, I mean, "women". It's an old habit.

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last I checked, most of the people in D.C. (at least the ones she is referring to) ARE millionaires

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Does that make MM a job creator then?

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maybe we can corner the super rich on some playground, pin them down and give them a financial haircut

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Oh, they took the class but failed it. Just like Adolf took and failed Russian Invasion 1812 101.

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"attract this sizable constituency"

Tell a lie often enough...

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