White America is very concerned about what is happening to the White House these days -- key word here being, of course, “white.” Michelle Obama has recently been seen in public doing urban dances, and even invited some sort of gang member to the White House for a
Honestly, I think she shoulda upped the stakes a couple notches and played some White House lawn dodgeball. Or to be a true Amurrkan, smear the queer (I didn't know what that meant as a kid) where the fat kid has an advantage - you can catch him, but you can't bring him down without gang tackling. Actually, I wish we had both of these games after every meeting at work.
Honestly, I think she shoulda upped the stakes a couple notches and played some White House lawn dodgeball. Or to be a true Amurrkan, smear the queer (I didn't know what that meant as a kid) where the fat kid has an advantage - you can catch him, but you can't bring him down without gang tackling. Actually, I wish we had both of these games after every meeting at work.
Much P to you, dude with a freddy kruger like icon. Rocket Surgery will be worked into every possible conversation, until I tire of it.
The good thing about bangin a chick who is in better shape than you is she'll do most of the work. Trust me on this
She just needs to work some snake handling into her dance work, then that segment of America could relax.
People, don't you see? THERE ARE NEGROES LIVING IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!11!1eleven11!!!