As in, "good men don't need to feel powerful"

General statement on how so much of this, from rape culture to abuse to Trump, is rooted in many people considering "power," or the image thereof, to be proof of masculinity.

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In a decent society, these people would get the help they so desperately need.

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Huh - now I see a yellow line next to your avatar. Maybe a new Disqus thing?

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Indigent and Indignant aren't actually the same word - unless you really think she's homeless; in which case, my apologies. Rap music (read as: black people) isn't played on every major network in the United States during prime time. Parents actually have control over the music that is explicit (black) to the point that you seem to have a problem with (being black) - they have to go out and buy it since it isn't played by radio stations. Parents have these weird things called "fingers" that give them the superpower to change a radio or TV station if that whore Beyonce comes on being black and stuff. One of the most misogynistic rappers out there happens to be a white guy who goes by the name of Eminem; your people, I assume. In short, go fuck yourself and fuck the fuck right off. QK?

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Do you have trouble understanding much of what goes on in life?

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Someone who clearly doesn't understand the meanings of the words they are using should probably not comment on blogs, since they will look as stupid as they certainly are. Indigent means destitute and poor, you dumb fuck. And Kanye isn't running for President of the United States, you racist douchebag. Michelle Obama has more class in her clipped toenail than your boy Trump in his entire body, but nice try...go practice drawing swastikas or something you are mentally capable of.

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potentially a transformative moment


toljaso (

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You say 'when this country falls to shit, as it's bound to ..." -- like it was 'bound to' fall to shit under Obama -- only IT DIDN'T? If you run the numbers we've got one of the strongest economies in the world, and would be doing even better if plutocrat-kissing Republicans had not forced retention of the stupid Bush tax cuts for the rich by threatening to crash the economy -- again.

And you got nothing but the same tired 'let's hate Hillry' script to read from, and your YELLING about how you hate hypocrisy (and it's peeve not peave) is just embarrassing -- I'll take Michelle's (not Micheal's) decency and dignity over your shouty self-righteousness any day and twice today.

And Stein? You'd vote for that nutbasket to be president of the US? Really? Shame ...

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By the way, if there were any of the Wonketariat regulars here right now, you'd have people smarter than me and you put together all over you like snark-sharks. Remember, we're a 'nasty little snark mob' or whatevers. So. Read the comments here, and the articles, and actually use your thinky-organs some, before you pop up again and get that toothy 'You're new here, aren't you' smile. "He-e-ere, fishy fish fish." Just sayin', fair warning.

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damn it we are going to miss this folks

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Double yellow lines? No parking? Hmm... Sorry for bringing the inexplicable to your day.

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Who's Micheal?

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All the girls in my 9th grade science class knew to hold our hands to our chests because the teacher would look down our shirts whenever he was able.

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This FLOTUS kicks serious ass. I would vote for her if she ever ran for office in my city, county, congressional district, state, country.

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Michelle for Queen? But what would Beyonce´ do?

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"Strong men, men who are truly role models, don’t need to put down women to make themselves feel powerful."

This needs to be emblazoned on t-shirts, mugs, bumper stickers, orange foreheads, etc.

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