"married women should be compelled by law to notify their husbands of their abortions."Tell ya what. I'll sign on to that, just as soon as you add a codicil stating that men must be compelled by law to notify their wives of any and all sexual escapades that could potentially lead either to unintended pregnancies OR potential exposure to STDs. Get back to me on that, mm-kay?

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They're in the process right now.

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Iwo Jima libel.

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Beowulf libel.

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In-ter-esting. Last night Maddow covered that she was no longer going to be #3 at DOJ but not why so I wonder if she'll follow up with this tonight. The "reason" is ridiculous but may not be a bad thing if, as Maddow covered, she's going to continue doing work on cases Mueller had turned over to her once again current jurisdiction.

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just call me when the midnight nude dancing begins!


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Do they hang out at those hipster coffee shops too? Maybe THEY'RE the ones always being "overheard."

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Mike Lee was conceived during the illegal fucking times in Utah, theretofore, he is deemed illegit and must go to the back of the line and try to attain humanship all over again.

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Who's that German guy? Schaden Fred? Trump wanted to move her out of all those criminal prosecutions of his co-conspirators and replace her with basically a Barr lite. Now, because of the mouth-breathing prolife wing of the party, as powerful as the mouth-breathing NRA wing of the party (do not want to see that Venn diagram), a smart, sharp woman with no reason to be beholden to Donald Trump will be dealing with admininstering justice to the likes of Manafort, Gates, et al.

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Wait a minute. Aren't we supposed to not trust people with two first names?

I thought that was the rule.

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The evangelicals are losing the kids in big numbers. Millennial evangelicals may be pro life but acknowledge that the right to an abortion is the law of the land, and they've got nothing against gays because they usually know a few. Their focus is on the environment and the admonishment to be good stewards of the Earth, but the old farts running the churches don't give a fuck about that because there's no money in that, so the kids are splitting.

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I've been conflicted about the series lately, period.

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I've said Glenn Greenwald looks like there's a flesh eating centipede in his brain 90% of the time.

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Pandora, Eve, Lilith: sluts, all of ‘em. Stupid cunts deserve to suffer! /s

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Or even just the abortions those husbands secretly pay for. I know plenty of those Right-to-Life congressmen and senators have that cropping up frequently because I've heard of it so much among people I know in Washington, even. And I think it's a good place to start with the regular husbands too. I think it's important to keep digging away at that ancient belief that the woman carries the wealth and prestige of the man by being chaste, which is why he feels she can be policed like the criminal in the house. All that became so obvious when the birth control pill came on the scene, or as they called it on the cover of the magazines: THE PILL! It would rip the civilized world apart. There'd be no way to control women!! Stupid.

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I certainly never heard of that group. And why would he think Democrats are trying to win them? Let them be moderate about abortion.

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