This guy defines weakness.

Watch, he'll now endorse the Bloated Yam, even though Trump tried to have Pence lynched in the US Capitol.

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He was a wet blanket that needed Quayle to tell him to do the right thing.

Such a big man of courage and moral specialness!

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A hung Mike Pencil might have pulled it out, but mother probably wouldn't approve. C'est la vie.

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Was he actually getting data showing he had any chance at all? Had to be pure ego behind that campaign.

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Like the killer in Maine, he heard voices telling him what to do. He really does think he and god have chats.

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Michael Richard Pence?

I never realized that his middle name is "Dick".

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Howdy y'all!

It is a good thing that Mike Pence (a) believes in gawd and (b) gawd whispered into his downy soft ear one night that he would be president -- or was that Sen Tim Scott, no matter since both are gawd if you know what I mean, and I think you do -- otherwise he might think his campaign for president is actually over... and Mother will leave him because broken promises. Mike Pence, the man who literally was nearly hung by I2I4's MAGA insurrectionists believes in miracles.



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Has this stopped Trump from wanting to kill him though? However Trump does have other more pressing matters on his oversized plate right now so maybe he can't pay attention to killing Mike Pence at the moment.

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I'm kind'a gonna miss him a little bit. That fly thing he had going on was pretty funny. Especially the part where he just plain did not know it was going on. I remember laughing my ass off.

I really can't remember anything else about the guy. Wasn't there something about him giving evidence in a trial soon?

Oh well.

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I wonder if Pence has finally recognized his delusion that God wanted him to be President.

What a sad sack.

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The real question is why do any of these Republican christofascists think that their god wants them to be President?

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This is a rhetorical question, right? History is full of self-serving con men who insist that god wants basically whatever they want more than anything.

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Stephen forgot Spiro T. Agnew, who just barely slips into the postulated 50-year window. Spiro resigned over a small matter of extortion, bribery, and income-tax evasion so he fits right in with the theme.

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Mike Pence ends his campaign for president. And the people greatly rejoiced.

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He was always a pence of shit.

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My kitten Peter Parker is issuing what are either calls for his sister to play with him or mighty battle cries as he attacks the toy mouse. That mousie never had a chance!

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I did double check that it was the toy mouse, not a real one. Found a real, kind of flattened, & rather dried out mouse in the middle of the living room floor the other day. So that was fun

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In a week or so, Pense can put the stake through the heart of his dead campaign by aliening with the No Name Political Movement of Politicians Who Lost Their Last Election.

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I just saw a video on Nicki Swift on YouTube because I’m in vacation. Donald Trump made a “terrible people” list They focused on him paying Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels $150k apiece. It got me thinking : he’s a self proclaimed billionaire and he paid the less than a million bucks each? What the hell kind of billionaire is that stingy with hush money?! He was running for president!! 150k?! How the hell did they not ask for more?

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and now TFG is asking for his endorsement FFS

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Pence will explain why it's problematic before doing it anyway.

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With a loving gaze.

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