Agreed, any actor watching him can clearly see how hard he's rehearsed those godawful folksy anecdotes that carry the weight and gravitas of a resting fly.

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I'm not sure if it ever had any fucking meaning. I've encountered smarmy, grifting "Christians" my entire life. Unfortunately many of them have been family members. Good fundamentalist Christians who didn't have an ounce of compassion and saw charity for those less fortunate as "throwing away money, because they'll just use it on drugs or alcohol." Some of the worst people in the world (and yes, they're all Turnip supporters).

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you know, just after Trump had incited a terrorist attack against America to prevent that.

And don't forget that Trump ended it only after his insurgents were chanting "Hang Mike Pence!" by telling them that he loved them.

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Whatever. Ol' Fly on the Head is never going to be president.

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If Pence thinks he's got a constituency large enough to fill a Wendy's willing to vote for him he is far dumber than even I thought and I already think he's dumb as shit.

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They sin more than the rest of us, because of the lying and hypocrisy on top of the sinning.

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More like "Nyeeeeeeeeeooooowwwww----SWISH!"

Trying to crash, and missing the ground.

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Pence would suck 100 elephant dicks (to completion) on national live television if he could be president...I'm not kidding...

If some one said, kill your wife and children and no one will ever find out and we'll make you president...he would do it in one second...I'm not kidding...

You think T***p was insane...please watch the Dead Zone scene with Martin Sheen launching missiles...that's Mike Pence...

He is completely demonic and satanic...

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Which would also doubtless be required by his religion. His religion seems to require that he do whatever he was going to do anyway. What convenient religious beliefs he has.

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Religion can be a sword or a shield. Pence, like all evangelicals, uses it as a sword.

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And pharmaceutical,s hedge funds, strip mines.

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A flaccid one

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I too would like to wipe my dirty shoes on Mike Pence, everybody else does, and he seem to like it! Also!

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He’s just a straight up coward. He goes after Speaker Pelosi who was mote concerned about his safety on January 6th than Trump. Trump who put a tweet putting his life is in danger.

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Ugh. I loathe Pence and I can’t believe it still, every time someone praises him for doing “the right thing” on January 6th, as though he was being brave in the face of potential personal harm. Bullshit. It was self-preservation and nothing more. He’s a craven religious zealot with the moral flexibility of a snake, the “personality” of a broken lawn ornament, and he fashions himself like he’s a white haired Reagan. He even copies his affect. And the old white ninnies swoon!

This wasn’t Tapper telling Pence it’s okay to be angry at Trump. This was CNN telling Republican voters that it’s okay to feel conflicted about dropping Trump after having been such loyal little cult members, only to have him come out a big fat loser, so they don’t then have to feel personal accountability for their bad choices and behaviors. Pence is being used as a transitioning tool to drop Trump but keep Trumpism. Also, I think he froze up because he got distracted by Andrea being a Black woman, and he didn’t hear her speaking. He was busy triangulating how to spew a random talking point without showing his contempt. Such an asshole!

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Honestly, I still don’t get how anyone could think Pence has a shot in hell of becoming president. Insurrectionists may not have hanged him bodily, but they did lynch his political career. He’s beyond done. He has no base left upon which he could build a campaign. And that’s before we get to the fact that he’s a religious extremist with the personality of a badly programmed android in power save mode.

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