Yeah, shut it down, we're done here

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I like this one

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He doesn't like ethnic foods like "pepper"

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People claiming to be Christians!

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I'd reckon he orders everything extra-medium.

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"Aw hell, diddly diddly diddly ding dong crap"

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He’s a coward. I would have been the first person to testify to DOJ if Trump almost got me hung.

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Only white pepper at chez Pence.

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I must be old and don't get the hip new lingo, but WTF is "Wren's beat sweetener"?On a side note, give all the monies to Wonkette and go over to Opening Arguments and give up some more sweet Simolians. 5DollarFeminist has REALLY classed up the jernt!

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That's because they are blinded by his unnaturally shining whiteness and can't see anything anymore.

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Let's not forget that Pence is a Dominionist and those fuckers want to bring Armageddon so they can get to Heaven quicker....Fuck Mike Pence!

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I think it was a reference to Politco's attempt to personalize Pence...or spice up the article or something....?

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It was a gallows, most of these idiots couldn't spell guillotine to look up plans for how to build one.

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Republican voters didn't vote for Trump in spite of his vicious mendacity. They chose him because of it.

In other words, They Love Trump's Hate

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Mikey P should stick to the traditional methods of building political support.Start with his base, solidify that, and then move on to other groups.

You ask 'what is his base without Trump'? What is there outside of Indiana to first target?Easy. Flies are his base. They seem to love him. Maybe not love him but are at least attracted to him. Flys a few days old are adults so nearly all eligible to vote. But he has to work at it a bit more.

1. Go to all events with a piece of raw meat tied around his neck. I would suggest a beef shank steak, cause the natural round hole in the bone. Perfect for the middle class fly demographic. But to show he is a 'fly of the people' less expensive meats could be used. A nice pork chop would be fine. In southern states, a necklace of chicken legs would be great!Breaded and raw, not cooked. Should attract a big crowd in the Mehsippi summer sun.

2. Location. Me old uncle used to say "Iff'n ya wanna catch fish, go whar the fisches are!" Texas is great for flies. Lots of cattle yards. You don't even need a map. Roll down the window and follow your nose. Drive near one and with a slight breeze, you will have to run your windshield wipers to clear the dead flies off! Voters!

And pig slaughter houses in Arkansas!And chicken slaughter houses in Alabama!

(Note : Stay out of the fish canneries on the West Coast. They are all Commie and Healthy and Shit, and keep flys down to almost nothing.)

Ask around and most towns and cities have dump sites. Cheap venues for rallys!

Political Trick. Mikey's team should always get a big glass of the local water.There is a good chance the town needs to repair or replace it's sewer treatment plant.Or even build one. Dare his opponents to drink the water!

You're welcome Mikey.

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