But... 5 is right out.

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

How stupid (and heinous) are you Green Party douchebags, anyway? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

"What Sarandon is voicing is the old Leninist idea of “heightening the contradictions,” which holds that social conditions need to get worse in order to inspire the revolution that will make them better. In this way of thinking, the real enemy of progress is incremental reform that would render the status quo tolerable. That was the position of the German Communists in the early 1930s, who refused to ally with the Social Democrats, proclaiming: “After Hitler, our turn!” A similar—if less deadly—assumption underlay Ralph Nader’s 2000 presidential campaign, for which Sarandon served as co-chair of the national steering committee. George W. Bush, Nader argued then, could serve as a “provocateur,” awakening the power of the left. “If it were a choice between a provocateur and an ‘anesthetizer,’ I'd rather have a provocateur,” said Nader. “It would mobilize us."


"THE 2000 CAMPAIGN: THE GREEN PARTY; In Nader Supporters' Math, Gore Equals Bush"http://www.nytimes.com/2000...

Green Party Michael Moore: "Take over the Democratic Patty" https://michaelmoore.com/10...

Jill Stein, Mike Flynn, Russia Today, and Putin

(You may all go fuck yourselves)

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Which of you backstabbing, corrupt fucks did NOT know that your Libertarian Cohorts were making deals with Putin and European Fascist Parties (on behalf of Trump nd with the aide of Greenwald and Snowden)?

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Wasn’t this photo just before they left the stadium because players took a knee during the Anthem?

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This certainly explains your silence on Libertarian/Green Party ratfuckers. Remember this: you were warned to speak up when you had the chance. Now you're finished. One does not play footsie with fascists.

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Well played and nice "B-Side" reference! Love Copeland's drumming, but there is no way "Mother" was anything other than a peace offering from Sting as that band began to fall apart!

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Mrs. Pence- "Sit up straight , fix your hat it's crooked, did you pray before you ate that Dorito, Trump isn't your boss I am, did you passingly glance at another woman when you walked through the room, mind your manners, ok get in the cage you've been bad.Mike Pence- "Yes mommy, ok mommy, no sorry mommy, I know mommy, no mommy, yes mommy, yes mommy!"

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"Yay, we agree with Mother about something!

We need a gif of Mother shaking her head now.

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Mikey and Mother were planning a coup d'etblahhh.

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Staged. Somebody outed it as a 2014 photo. ("outed!" giggle)https://www.indystar.com/st...

At least Mother didn't burn her Colts jersey and emit poisonous polyester fumes into the atmosphere, like other asshat Colts fans.

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There is no might be about it. Shake the tree hard enough, someone is going to find some men fun in the works

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I agree. I thought the cabinet experience would overcome the vast right wing conspiracy people. That's what i get for thinking.

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Mayonnaise? Miracle Whip or gtfo.

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Staged. Who woulda thunk it?Staging, projecting, persecuted xtian victim, and fragile snowflakes they are.

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"Real shitty how we just jammed a “Mike Pence might be a real big gay closet case” joke into the end of this piece for no reason, but that’s Wonkette for ya."

THIS is why Wonkette is my only subscription news service. The rest of them can kiss my ass. Now my ass is a wonder of Nature and kissing it is a privilege! So you punks at the NYT and the WSJ best just stay away. I'm not in the mood for you slobbering around and begging me to permit you to kiss my ass. No, no, no! Shoo! Begone!I'm not in the mood! Go do some actual journalism first and I might possibly reconsider your pleas to kiss my glorious ass!

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