Too much stress? Or the chance of money for nothing?

The good news is this will get these guys out of the police force and allow for hiring some non-bullies.

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^^^what they said.

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Duh. This should have been obvious to me, but it wasn't until I saw this post of yours. Thanx! I couldn't understand why the right always projected so obviously and straightforwardly. Without empathy they have no other choice, nor any other way of "understanding" us.

And without empathy, they cannot see themselves as others do, and so cannot do humor.

"O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us. To see oursels as ithers see us!"

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Thanks for another great read Mr. Robinson, though I regret you had to write it.My sentiments exactly.

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They could borrow from a previous past name not in use any more, but it is much more hated that their current name...

Washington Senators.

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Normally I would call this kind of an attorney an ambulance chaser, but considering where the cops' victims end up, they're morgue chasers.

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On the other hand, two cops were killed by a race war obsessed Air Force sergeant, one of the boogaloo boys, who did the first killing around the time of a peaceful protest as a cover and lead police to intially think protestors did it.After actually investigating(!) the police found him and while in a shootout he killed another police officer.Oddly enough, the guy is still alive and still white.

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So then the Ravens would change to the Baltimore-Washington Internationals?

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"I could get a really thick paper cut from a poster and lose a whole pint of blood. How can I live without that precious life-giving pint? I must instead shuffle off this mortal coil and join my fallen comrades in the sweet embrace of death!"

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Police have one of the lowest death on duty rates of all professions. Firefighters see worse things, as do ED nurses and doctors, many other professions. Yet these pussies in blue are so butt-hurt...bye-bye.

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Try to convince Texans that New York might have had the right idea? Can't be done.

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Seeing that monikkker they've given themselves reminds me of the 1999 South Korean comedy "Attack the Gas Station!"


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I bet these cops wouldn't last five minutes in a gradeschool classroom.

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They watch "Dirty Harry" movies for inspiration.

I still shake my head at the scene in one of them where the Asian-American girl who lives in an apartment in Dirty Harry's building bluntly asks him, "What does a girl have to do to go to bed with you?" Very realistic dialogue, that.

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