There's a couple in my church who are having to raise 3 grandchildren right now, ages 4, 3, and an 8 month old baby, because their 20 year old daughter was stabbed to death in an altercation with another girl.

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Yeah. She broke my heart when I watched her testimony. Poor girl feels guilt ridden for not doing more. That's awful.

She's a girl, still in school. Kids that are still in school should never be put in a situation where they feel that they have to protect grown ass adults from psycho racist cops with guns. I'm fairly certain that does not fall into the job description of being a kid in school.

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I'll have to look for my Cherry Docs!

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I always think of that scene from Huck whenever the issue of violence against Black people comes up. It's stayed with me ever since we read it in middle school.

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His face when he was found guilty was a thing of beauty.

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God forbid he put himself - you know the trained officer with knowledge of combat and the right to use force - and tackled the teenage girl wildly waving a knife. She was not a fucking ninja.

Or used a taser.

I mean, everyone would have lived given he walks about in a fucking jacket made to stop bullets.

But he could have experienced a moment of actual danger. Lord knows we can not ask cops making 6 figures and incredibly trained in the use of force to consider any possibility of danger.

There will never be justice in this case but four bullets was the easiest, safest thing for the cop and the result was a dead teenager.

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Wasn't the first time Chauvin had killed someone, and he walked away from that one. Why would he think this time would be any different?

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They'll probably just make it a crime to video them, and start grabbing phones.

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I don't believe anything they say. Ever. About anything. Any of them.

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Messy as well.

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indeed... He had learned his lesson.Let us hope there is a whole new set of lessons now.

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Ta, Stephen.

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As the Mafia used to say, Our former associate died of heart failure while at the bottom of the East River in cement overshoes.

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Whatever action you are trying to perform is motivated by wrong think!

Disqus is protecting you from yourself.

Your lack of gratitude is galling!

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