I'm gonna be the guy who points out that the Mary/Rhoda accompanying photo is from when Mary visited Rho in NY. So they're not in Minneapolis.

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It is like magic.

We get our snow delivered.


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It’s worth a shot. (I’ll show myself out.)

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Neither is Moscow on the Hill... and believe you me, St. Paulites will be quite diligent about enforcing the distinction.

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OK, I will tell myself that when I'm sitting in my car outside Moscow-on-the-Hill tonight, trying to work up enough courage to go in & mingle (not my strong suite).

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Do tell.. a PGH road trip is still more do-able than one to Indianapolis.

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Babby is too young to be a dick. Babby is being a pill because she's stressed out, and we should be patient with her. Dick being starts in adolescence. I'm sure that's in one of my books, somewhere. Possibly one about fruit flies.

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So it's the tentacles that give you away, then?

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damn, I live in Minneapolis and would be at Moscow on the Hill in a second, if I weren't in Germany right now...

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have fun... wish i was there.... have vegas super weed

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Hard to believe Wan Williams would name his kid Raffi.Why not Barney?

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Aw man, and me with other plans!

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Who can turn the world on with her smile?Wearing pants or not?

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This is why I've refused to do my own spinoff. You can't make me.

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See you in Brooklyn.

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