ah, yes. I forgot about the federal/state thing. Poor sod doesn't have a hope then.

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What, exactly, is putting Allen Russell in prison doing for anybody? What is the purpose?

Does Georgia have private prisons and/or exploitative prison labour programmes that earn money for the state? If yes, there's your answer.

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Van Jones said something like "I spent my late teens and early twenties in one of the most drug-soaked areas in the United States - it was Yale University:"

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The southern racist mind is breathtakingly imaginative in its range of spiteful and cruel ways to punish all those they imagine to be threatening their "way of life." Using pot and gun control laws to steal away the life of a black man seems like a pretty good way to "Own the Libs" and earn a few backslaps and amens at church.

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Just the one, dear?

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For the record, he has no friends.

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Of course those fucking idiots are doing this, because, they're fucking idiots (imo)! What a waste of lives keeping the South in the union!

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"Burglary" is the unlawful entry of a home (or certain other structures) with the intention of committing a theft or other felony. One can commit a burglary during a robbery, rape, murder, felony assault . . . .

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I. Just. Can't.

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Matt Gertz is the Media Matters dude who's twitter always blows up whenever Florida Man Matt Gaetz is in the news.

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I got thanked by a Black woman recently for admitting that I have benefitted countless times from White Privilege. I did not think she owed me anything re. "thanks" but I thanked her back. To paraphrase Leonard on "Big Bang Theory": "every day we wake up and there is not a full-blown armed Black insurrection we (Whites) win."

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Boy. It's a good thing Ruch Limbaugh never set foot in Mississippi!

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I do not think you know what gaslighting is......

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Isn't that the potato-head guy Tate something?

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Me too, long ago, it has nothing to add to any discussion. It has a great nym, though.

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