No "proposals" along those lines would work, unless you want some kind of government-directed "Newspeak" situation.
Language develops naturally in the way people use it. Coercion can certainly be part of that "naturally" (we are a coercive species), but your proposal would either happen of not happen.
Because I’m nosy that way. It’s a teacher pay scale for a randomly selected school that I’ve never heard of. Average pay is around 38K the principal is making about 92.
New motto for the state: “happiness is an obstetrician leaving Missouri with the teacher under each arm.“
i am a 30-year sped guy in Oregon (IOW, just a teacher) and I draw $94,000 here in Oregon. My admin are a bunch of aszholes, but at least I get paid for it.
Because I’m nosy that way. It’s a teacher pay scale for a randomly selected school that I’ve never heard of. Average pay is around 38K the principal is making about 92.
New motto for the state: “happiness is an obstetrician leaving Missouri with the teacher under each arm.“
That's what all the "groomer" bullshit has been about. Softening up the public for laws like this. Call LGBTQIA+ supporters "groomers" often enough, and people start imagining they smell smoke.
First they called drag queens groomers. Now they want to move onto punishing humane people. Bunch of fucks.
From the "Gee, I wonder why my children/grandchildren never call me" Dept... Cal Morton, a man who is in Moms For Liberty, filed a bunch of book challenges. Not surprisingly, the district evaluated & kept all of them.
The *chef's kiss* of the story is...Cal's own daughter not only disagrees, but gets quoted in the press doing so. "The Moms for Liberty crowd is on the wrong side of history," said Cadence Morton. "They're stuck in their little worldview." And hilarity surely ensued around the Morton dinner table...
Obsessing over the gays and the trans because... unresolved issues. He should get a towel to clean up, and then get help. Because that is gay face if this gay has ever seen one. (I've seen many.)
Sadly, me too. In fact I was saying just yesterday (in a convo with one of our esteemed Wonk writers, in fact) that I can only keep the cam on for about 10 minutes in a Zoom meeting because I can't concentrate whilst bemoaning said gray face. Ack.
what an asswipe
"this veers into the ridiculous". Veers??? This comes as a message from deep in the heart of the Fortress Castle Of The Ridiculous.
There's a reason that I pronounce it "Misery". 🙄😒
It’s so easy to be kind, to respect others, to let people know they matter. You have to work at being hateful. What monsters!
New proposal: everyone gets referred to as “they” and their last name.
Or, just spitballing here, people who object to pronouns get called “it” and must use the first name “Farthead”.
I mean, the former is a logical solution but the latter is mean so I like that one better.
No "proposals" along those lines would work, unless you want some kind of government-directed "Newspeak" situation.
Language develops naturally in the way people use it. Coercion can certainly be part of that "naturally" (we are a coercive species), but your proposal would either happen of not happen.
Well be the change you want to see in the world!😂
Because I’m nosy that way. It’s a teacher pay scale for a randomly selected school that I’ve never heard of. Average pay is around 38K the principal is making about 92.
New motto for the state: “happiness is an obstetrician leaving Missouri with the teacher under each arm.“
i am a 30-year sped guy in Oregon (IOW, just a teacher) and I draw $94,000 here in Oregon. My admin are a bunch of aszholes, but at least I get paid for it.
No SPED differential?
Nope, but I max out on the educational column (Masters +90).
Because I’m nosy that way. It’s a teacher pay scale for a randomly selected school that I’ve never heard of. Average pay is around 38K the principal is making about 92.
New motto for the state: “happiness is an obstetrician leaving Missouri with the teacher under each arm.“
I'm no lawyer, but wouldn't that preclude the use of pronouns entirely?
...may have no idea talking about.
That's what all the "groomer" bullshit has been about. Softening up the public for laws like this. Call LGBTQIA+ supporters "groomers" often enough, and people start imagining they smell smoke.
First they called drag queens groomers. Now they want to move onto punishing humane people. Bunch of fucks.
Their pants are on fire, but I don't think what we are smelling is smoke.
This sounds like something ALEC would pic up.
From the "Gee, I wonder why my children/grandchildren never call me" Dept... Cal Morton, a man who is in Moms For Liberty, filed a bunch of book challenges. Not surprisingly, the district evaluated & kept all of them.
The *chef's kiss* of the story is...Cal's own daughter not only disagrees, but gets quoted in the press doing so. "The Moms for Liberty crowd is on the wrong side of history," said Cadence Morton. "They're stuck in their little worldview." And hilarity surely ensued around the Morton dinner table...
Thanksgiving must be...interesting.
Obsessing over the gays and the trans because... unresolved issues. He should get a towel to clean up, and then get help. Because that is gay face if this gay has ever seen one. (I've seen many.)
He should have a thorough check of his crawl space and fucking freezer, is what he should get.
"Dumb and Dahmer"
Yes, Like all fanatics who push these kinds of laws, and don't forget the hard drive!
Gay Face.
Whew, and here I thought I'd go the entire day without a new band name.
All I got goin' on is "Gray Face."
Sadly, me too. In fact I was saying just yesterday (in a convo with one of our esteemed Wonk writers, in fact) that I can only keep the cam on for about 10 minutes in a Zoom meeting because I can't concentrate whilst bemoaning said gray face. Ack.
I almost never LOL to comments, but here it is.
Yr Wonkette never disappoints.
They're "protecting children." So they kill a few along the way--you know what they say about sausage, right? Kids, sausage. What's the diff?
Yet they pass laws putting them in harms way, as workers in unprotected situations.
Why does his photo give me the vibe that he should be on that Tier 1 sex offender list?
Because it is always projection from cuckoo-land.
I get the vibe that they may have to invent a whole new tier for that fucker.
Youth pastor vibe. Jesus loves you, now hold still.
Not sure of the connotations of a "vibe" when it involves a youth pastor.
We're gonna need more batteries.
Why would you even not..oh, never mind...