Yertle sees this as his chance to purge the party of the trolls and reactionaries like the MTGs and the Boeberts, without looking like he's selling them out.

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"Come back later, hooman, I'm busy."

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I never knew bed hyenas were even a thing. I'm so behind the times.

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Had the insurrection worked, resulting in the election being overturned, Moscow Mitch would have been fine with that. He made a lot of money with TFG in the white house. Liking him or the treason caucus doesn't matter, as with all repubs, they don't have friendships, they have business relationships.

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Ah, the Demotivation poster this would make.

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Let's not forget that McConnell openly condemned efforts to overturn the election before he opposed the committee. He does what is politically expedient for HIM. You're right about "Fuck that guy, still and always."

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Nobody feed it a mint.

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I was meh until you got to the guillotine, tell me more.

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How could they not be turned on by a beautiful specimen like him?

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I despise, detest, and loathe McConnell.

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I'm sure he hates Trump, but not because Trump is a lousy person. He hates him because he thinks Trump is pulling the GOP back.

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Mitch is where he is because he is the delta of sociopathic behavior and top fundraiser, with the latter being the most important. Somewhere up the line, the money masters that control him are nervous, otherwise he'd keep his trap shut.

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I'm sure you are right, after all they are both totally awful people.

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I'm sure #LiarMitch is keeping a close eye on things so preemptive ass-covering strategies can be put in place in a timely manner

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How could you not?

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Oh, I'm already familiar with that term.

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