this is my new fav thing. bill clinton on mitt romney:

“He really shouldn’t be speaking to people in public.”

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Ah ha. This deserves better fisting.

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He don't need no stinking tax returns (because he doesn't pay taxes).

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I remember Mitt speaking to Hispanic voters with great orange aplomb.

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Them freeloading Messicans and Blahs should feel just terrible for cheating Raggy Ann out of her chance to clean up the Whitehouse and ridding it of the bacon smell that them Muslins have surely left there.Mittens tried telling yall this but only 47% got the message Those kind of people not like Mittens and Raggy dont know how to appreciate a dancing horse and will never own a car elevator no matter what cause they just wont listen and are sooo unfair at being poor

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Consuela's got a good dealer.

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Why is are the Not-So-Wonder Twins over here still talking? Aren't losing candidates supposed to GO AWAY!

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What the fuck is with that woman's shirts?

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Seriously. Why is anyone still interviewing this nobody?

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<i>"...we need to do a better job explaining why it is that our policies will lead to higher wages, better health care, better schools."</i>

Or pass more voter ID laws.

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<i>Sure, then maybe Mitt can explain why sawing off your own head is a great way to remain alive!</i>

Actually, I believe that's their solution for losing those last 10 pounds of unwanted, ugly fat.

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<i>The place that my campaign and I fell short was probably in being able to speak openly and effectively to minority populations</i>

Leave it to Mittens to suddenly realize something that any carnival psychic could have spotted in about 2 seconds.

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Not only should he have talked to minorities he should have shaken their hands and kissed their babies. I doubt that would have ever happened.

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Mitt: None of the 99% were invited into your quiet room to talk about "those things." Go brush Rafalca and play with your car elevator you pandering shit stain.

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