Indeed, Romney did receive 47% of the popular vote. Talk about karma . . .

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Purty much.

Trump promptly pointed out that Mitt virtually fellated him in public to get the Trump endorsement in 2012.

It is so sad when they are both right and profoundly, morally wrong simultaneously.

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..and fewer words

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This is a billionaire fight and a bum fight!

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Yeah, but her ghost writer has the bizarre syntax down; "Trump's favorables"? What does that even mean?

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Hillary. Utards don't like Trump, at all. Republicans could lose voters to Hillary should Trump get the nomination and nothing goes differently.

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Mittens is totally whigged out, man.

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though to be honest, i think Mittens would have done better against another white dude or even a WOMAN....a white woman who is hard as nails, which is awesome, but apparently the rest of the country hasn't caught on ( ie. it's seems ok for a guy politican to be prickish, aggressive, but heaven to betsy if a woman is ever assertive,then she's a lying bitch, right?)

it's like crazy hard to run against a likeable (well for everyone who isn't a white shitbag racist) black guy for President...plus everyone deep inside wishes they were black...probably why we have so many envious white people turning their patsy white skin orange.

so yeah, Mittens should have ran this year, he would done so much better, but still would lose cuz Clinton is more likeable than the media leads us to believe.

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I'm thinking Friedman of the Plains spoof.

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I live in Utah, too, and I have it on semi-good authority that Romney received a coveted Second Anointing in the SLC temple by none other than Thomas Monson that, in part, stated Mitt was going to become president.

Mitt has a prophecy to fulfill. He might jump into this race to fulfill it, because he just can't accept that a prophet might have been wrong.

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Can't see table below, maybe post please?

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Nah. He's playing on the panic of the establishment 'pugs in hopes that they'll draft him.

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I dunno about Mittens buying Drumpf: https://www.washingtonpost....Now, Mike Bloomberg, that's a whole 'nother dealio: http://www.therichest.com/c...

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All the upfists for "Bridge Troll"!!1!

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The writer even got "its" and "it's" right.In fact, this has got to be a new-hire, or an intern.

crap, then I have to edit my own post for a typo...

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Wow. Info on the anointing is very interesting. It actually explains a lot about Mittens recent activities. It must have happened recently, ie, after he announced he wasn't running last year.

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