Nope, that didn't change it. I might just have to do two donations to get to the amount I wanted.

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This is why I won't vote for Biden.

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It should be changed. I spent 20 years military. I get a generous pension, then at 62 I started drawing social security. One doesn't effect the other.

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I signed up for the 55/25 program when they offered it to NYC teachers, wisest investment I've ever made, I'll have my 25 at age 57.

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Hon if you find a place in the world without sexist assholes, please tell me so I can go there.

Wonkette kept me sane the past four years.

I admit to being tempted to quit when they include Bernie-loving-sexist-bully-asshole Loomis. But that would be cutting off my nose to spite my face.

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I am a poor. I used to be poorer. I donate my piddly $10 every month because you Wonkettes have helped me through the hard times with my disability, and then the harder times once I was diagnosed with the cancer. I can't/haven't even talk(ed) about it yet because I'm in such a bad place, but you folks and your intelligent discourse and your wonderful sense of humor have helped to get me through this hard, dark period. I love you all, but I'm kinda ashamed that Rebecca has to do the money beg when it's so clear that this mommy blog makes such a difference to so many.

I have to stop, or I'll get all whiny. But thank you all who help make this time manageable for people like me... people you don't even know.

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Hugs for you friend.

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Why in G_d's name would anyone unsubscribe from Wonkette? Don't make no kinda sense, no how.

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57?! That's WAY in my rearview mirror. I worked in higher education for twenty years and my social security has been unaffected. I retired with a disability at 63, which affected it a little, but not that much.

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He is rump without the orange skin

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I'm 100% disabled vet, PTSD/mst. I'm pretty much a recluse. Tapping out snar on my phone is my only intellectual outlet.You aren't the only one.

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The best things about Wonkette, #4: Rebecca is good people who (just like you) hate asking for money. Save Rebecca from the workhouse!

Support constructive irresponsible political speech!

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I highly recommend blocking them and moving on. Every time I see "This user is blocked," an angel gets his wings...or something.

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I hope you're sitting down for this totally unexpected news: SCOTUS just overturned a lower court order mandating that Alabama comply with the Voting Rights Act by redrawing a Congressional map that diluted Black voting power.

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It's the standard GQP method. Right wing Spanish-language media was so gross in the days after Biden picked Harris as the VP candidate.

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