Movies That Made Audiences Get Up And Leave! Tabs, Fri., Oct. 13, 2023
I think we might have done this one before. Morning news roundup!
The Day The Latest War Started is very beautiful, about doubt and war and pain and fear and how to hold multiple truths at once, and multiple warring factions at once, and to try not to hurt any of them. I think Garrett Bucks might be a very good man.
Israel cannot confirm the accounts of (GAH) beheaded infants that had me screaming at all of you to shut your goddamn mouths. I still say my point still stands — that the Left cannot celebrate any form of mass death, even without the even more harrowing account of the babies — but then I would say that. (CNN)
Everything’s going awesome for Jim Jordan Without the Baggage. Just great! Gift link New York Times because we could use some hilarious.
Trump lawyers say nah, he didn’t actually have to “support” the Constitution. It was more like a suggestion maybe, depending, like the value of all his companies, on how he felt that day. You’ve really got to see this one to believe the arguments. They’re impressive. (Law and Crime)
Joe’s just fine. You know why people are freaking about old.
This demographic divergence is the beginning and end of the consternation around [Kamala] Harris’s possible succession to the presidency, because she meets or exceeds every other qualification on their collective resumes. Among the most famous successes, she has more government and elected experience than Teddy Roosevelt, more education and accomplishment than Harry Truman, and broader popular support than Lyndon Johnson. And she had to do it all as a Black and South Asian-American woman—backwards and upside-down in heels. For all the implied worry that she’s not up to the task, VP Kamala Harris is already one of the most talented among those who have been called by circumstance to fulfill their constitutional role. She’s just the least likely to be recognized for it.
Cenk Uygur’s running for president. I don’t even have any jokes, I’m just too full of awed delight at the continued magical narcissism — I ALONE CAN SAVE IT! — of your typical dude. As noted in the comments, he got 6.6 percent in a local LA-area congressional race, so that means definitely time to save the nation. (Axios) Bonus wonklink! Remember when Cenk Uygur fundraised that he was bein’ OPPRESSED by the ESTABLISHMENT that is your favorite mommyblog and recipe hub, Wonkette? (Wonkette)
I don’t understand how this public school dress code on hair length for boys is legal. And the school district … agrees?
The school district also filed a lawsuit in state district court asking a judge to clarify whether its dress code restrictions limiting student hair length for boys violates the CROWN Act.
It blatantly, facially does? But since it’s a Black boy with dreadlocks, well, don’t worry, they’re kicking him out of his Texas high school. — HuffPost
Noah Smith on new economics Nobel laureate Claudia Goldin and her work examining, among other things, the impacts of birth control and motherhood on women’s careers. (NoahPinion)
These economics polls are really crazy. People like their jobs, think they’re fairly paid (!), and are generally satisfied — and also think the economy is shrinking and jobs aren’t growing, and all kinds of absolutely not those. I feel like I’m taking crazy pill! — Simon Rosenberg
Conservatives have always been easy marks for grifters, as the direct mail kings made their fortunes proving. But now even the richest and smartest guys in the room are getting conned. Pity, that. (Amanda Marcotte at Salon)
Ron DeSantis just gave Universal Orlando a special taxing district, the same kind they took away from Disney for [Al Franken alan colmes whisper font] criticizing him. I wonder if that will help or hurt his legal defense, hmmmmm. — Joe.My.God
How to win friends and keep all the Democratic statewide officeholders, which is all the statewide officeholders, from doing any nasty Democrat stuff. (Snipy at Public Notice)
I don’t know why Mary Lou Retton, currently in intensive care for a rare pneumonia, doesn’t have health insurance. But I am perfectly happy to tsk tsk WTF that she lobbied against the bill requiring national sports teams to report sexual assaults after the Larry Nassar horrorshow, claiming US Gymnastics didn’t need it and was “a happy, safe place.” Lady. LADY. WTF. Anyway, do get well soon. (Orange County Register)
Yay Mexico, viva la nacion pluricultural! — Yucatan Times
I walked out of Jerry Maguire and Circle of Friends. The whole audience walked out of Boxing Helena (RIP Julian Sands). I don’t know if those are on this list, I didn’t click. (Looper)
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How do you like them apples? It’s today’s hed gif topic.
I absolutely believe that nobody should have to bankrupt themselves to get medical care. I’m also not feeling particularly charitable about a person begging for assistance when she would deny help in the form of legislative support to other young woman in need. Not only deny it, but actively lobby against it. But that’s a Republican for ya—theirs are the only needs that matter.