
How do you like them apples? It’s today’s hed gif topic. https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/apple-picking?r=angu9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

I love Honey Crisps for eating raw and baking. When I was a kid, we had a Brown Russet tree that produced the best apples I've ever had. I've been looking for one for years, but it seems no one grows them now. (I tried posting this on your Substack, but there's no "post" button). ETA: Also, too, Gravensteins, which make terrific apple sauce.

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I just had the problem as well - couldn't find the "post" button. Had to refresh the page for it to show up.

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Mmm, fresh apples.

I will have to look into that no post thing.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

How do you like them apples?

Apple (sauce) cider.

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I always use a variety of apples in whatever I bake that requires apples. My favs, honey crisp, sweet tango (honey crisp crossed with zesto), granny smith, gala, red delicious (sweeter).

To pick up and eat sweet tango is stellar.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

I like to get them at the local fruit stand because have quite the variety and I can get one of each when making pie. I have never had the sweet tango but I do love honeycrisps.

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Recently discovered sweet tango and I like them better than honeycrisps. They have more flavor to my taste buds.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

It is apple time in north GA. Fresh hot cinnamon tinged apple pie with a flakey crust and a strong cup of coffee sounds good right now.

All I lack is a pie.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

Thanks for throwing in the recipes. You are truly a thoughtful Glambassador!

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Granny Smith approves!

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

Get back, Wonkycat!

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Interesting that you haven’t made an impassioned post against the ethnic cleansing and genocide happening in Gaza right now.

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I'm new. Why does my name show up instead of my handle. Eesh.

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Unless your name is That Girl - it doesn't. At least here.

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Thank you for answering :) I’m That Girl. Yes. That’s my real name lol

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Oct 14, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023

“ I still say my point still stands — that the Left cannot celebrate any form of mass death, even without the even more harrowing account of the babies — but then I would say that.“

We are either for the right of all peoples to possess their full human and civil rights (and self determination) or we are hypocrites. Those willing to take innocent lives to advance their agenda(s) are evil, pure and simple.

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I walked out of first-run Wizard of Oz because flying monkeys.

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I walked out of a pre-view for "Scanners" was not expecting that kind of horror. Also I walked out of that Time travel movie about H G Wells v Jack the Ripper. And avoid ALL the horror movies.

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Cenk Uygur’s "campaign" is a classic case of someone thinking that having a lot of Twitter followers translates into national popularity. If I randomly stopped 100 people in my city and asked them if they knew what the Young Turks were, I can promise you no more than 1 would, at that. Probably 2 or 3 of them would think I was talking about the Armenian genocide.

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Mr. Uygur was born in Istanbul, Turkey to Turkish parents. Article II, section I, clause 5 of the US Constitution says: “natural born citizens” – defined by the Harvard Law Review as “citizen[s] from birth with no need to go through naturaliz ation proceedings” – can be president. But he's planning to challenge that. Maybe we'll get Arnold Swartzenegger to run, too. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/12/young-turks-host-cenk-uygur-democrat-election-2024-biden

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He seems to be relying on the SCOTUS ruling "Schneider v. Rusk" (1964), without having bothered to read beyond the Wikipedia or some other summary of the case.

In "Schneider" the SCOTUS majority ruled that a law passed by Congress could not reverse a person's naturalized citizenship in part because that such a law unconstitutionally treats naturalized citizens differently from natural-born citizens. Uygur is assuming that this represents a precedent which is violated by preventing naturalized citizens from running for president. He's focused on the Court majority's overall statement of principle from "Schneider": "the rights of citizenship of the native born and of the naturalized person are of the same dignity, and are coextensive."

Awkwardly for Uygur though, the Court in its Schneider ruling also made the obvious point that distinctions which are included in the Constitution itself are not unconstitutional. Indeed the very next sentence of the ruling reads, "The only difference drawn by the Constitution is that only the "natural born" citizen is eligible to be President. Art. II, § 1."

As pointed out in a dissenting opinion the "only difference drawn" part isn't actually correct: Article I also imposes waiting periods after naturalization before a naturalized citizen can be elected to either the House or the Senate. But the overall point is simply that a provision of the Constitution is by definition constitutional. Uygur's legal argument will get laughed out of federal court and never even reach the SCOTUS.

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Wait a minute! If we're going to change it, I would like John Oliver, please.

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This is a movie that had people jumping out of their seats in fear. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 (1963) is Saturday's Wonkette Movie Night selection. https://substack.com/@ziggywiggy/note/c-41799007?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=2knfuc

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My daughter, who watches all kinds of horror movies watched that with me when she was a young teenager, and it frightened her so much, she will never watch it again. She doesn't even like talking about it - 35 years later.

It's a very god movie, and very intense, with no blood and gore, just great acting and a minimum of special effects.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by ziggywiggy

GAH. I was 15, and not the least effected by movie horror. The scene with the knocking on the door was the scariest moment in movie history. I had nightmares.

And Ellie, you are right. Blood and gore was not needed.

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For her, it was the breathing walls.

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I saw someone walk out of the screening of The Tree Of Life I attended. And read about several other people doing it.

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oh man i forgot about that horrible thing. didn't walk out because i was already at home drinking.

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Give you one guess as to her political affiliation.

"NYC councilwoman arrested after bringing gun to Palestinian rally at Brooklyn College, police say

As Brooklyn Councilwoman Inna Vernikov was standing by a group of protesters, the butt end of a handgun could be seen protruding out the front of her pants,"


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Oct 14, 2023Liked by ziggywiggy

That's a good way to give herself a hysterectomy.

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I’ve never walked out of a movie, but movies I wish I’d walked out of: Inherent Vice and From Dusk Til Dawn

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The first part of D Til D was a good movie. Career criminal finds out his baby brother is a serial killer, an absolute monster. Good stuff. Clooney was great.

Once the vampires showed up it went downhill really really fast.

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"These economics polls are really crazy. People like their jobs, think they’re fairly paid (!), and are generally satisfied — and also think the economy is shrinking and jobs aren’t growing, and all kinds of absolutely not those. I feel like I’m taking crazy pill!"


You're not taking crazy pills; you're being gaslit.

Unemployment is the lowest it's been since they started keeping records, wages are starting to tick up, and inflation is finally leveling off -- and all the media can talk about his how Biden somehow "wrecked the economy".

It's like when DeSantis kidnapped those people to Martha's Vineyard, and the residents pitched in and helped them -- but that didn't fit the red hats' expectations, so they all just pretended that the opposite happened.

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"These economics polls are really crazy. People like their jobs, think they’re fairly paid (!), and are generally satisfied — and also think the economy is shrinking and jobs aren’t growing, and all kinds of absolutely not those. I feel like I’m taking crazy pill!"


You're not taking crazy pills; you're being gaslighted. Gaslit? Unemployment is the lowest it's been since they started keeping records, wages are finally starting to tick up, and all the media can talk about is how Biden somehow "wrecked the economy".

It's like when DeSantis kidnapped the immigrants to Martha's Vineyard, and everybody helped them out, but that didn't fit the right's expectations, so they all just pretended that the opposite happened.

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Cenk Ugyur? To paraphrase MST3K, that's not a name; that's a bad Scrabble hand.

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1. Born on the Fourth of July

2. Howard the Duck

3. Dunkirk

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Pitch Black. I have heard people defend it. I am not one of them.

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GREAT Tabs today! The external articles I read are outstanding.

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