Toontown, haven't you seen the documentary, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

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Damn, Dom. You Raso stupid.

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<em>It definitely discriminates against the stupid, but they’re not a protected class.</em>

Give the Roberts Court a couple more terms and that may change.

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*Ahem* recent tightenings of gun control (in a small minority of States, when the majority have in fact throw further open the gates to all guns, all the time, everywhere, forever) were also not federally drawn, on account of the fact that we have minority rule in this country.

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He picks things up and he puts them down.

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<blockquote>Or maybe a no-tell motel level relationship.</blockquote>

This. Definitely this one. Because "fuck the facts" is apparently Dom's motto for life.

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Guns everywhere, all the time, definitely discriminates against the stupid . . . by getting them killed. On the other hand, gun regulations protect everybody from the stupid, equally.

And that is how the law works - you could look it up.

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Or conceived with the help of some champagne.

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In this case, should there be an e at the end of Brut?

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Child labor laws enslave children because it doesn't allow them to work!!11!! IMPEACH!!!

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My new favorite conservatard logic: just because a law makes certain actions against the law, doesn't mean those actions are unlawful. Natch!

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Tell him you have a gun in your pants and ask if he wants to see it.

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The same place Minnesota got Jessie Ventura?

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He understands that Jim Crow laws were not federally drawn, right? That it took a massive effort by federal level legislators, law enforcement and judiciary to overturn them?

No, OK, carry on....


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I think there’s a future for Dom that involves crushing cans on his forehead.

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