Can't wait for the dickTucker Carlson edit that shows a bunch of innocent patriots just lining up to have their balls exposed to UV radiation so that they can be as manly as dickTucker Carlson is when he squeals like a 7-year-old girl. If liberals continue to degrade the fuckability of candy mascots, we can expect situations like this to keep happening.

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Tuck will put out a well thought out and detailed investigative piece that will show all of the wrongs committed*.At a the cost of possibly providing a tutorial for the best path towards the location of the secret hiding spots*.You know, for next time...

*Democrats only

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Haven't seen it in 30 years. Any water left there?

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Yeah, maybe. Or like the orange god, maybe not.

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i’m “speechless” … you win the internet …

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that’s why he’s rich … like his friend donald he doesn’t pay !

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2 Misdemeanors for contempt of Congress. No felony charges

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five years' worth of video. And we're only gonna see at best a couple of hours. Whoever shares will be filtering by necessity.We've seen several hours of it already. What more would we learn besides various angles of the same incident? Maybe people who haven't been caught would be identified.

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"Sunshine almost always makes me high" - John Denver

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I’ve been waiting for Carlson to overstep. This could be whst brings him down.

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It’s not. People don’t realize how much of public life is being captured by cameras.

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Mike, are you all right? That rant is kinda lo-energy.

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There is a legitimate reason for not releasing all of the 44,000 hours of footage in that could help future insurrectionists develop a roadmap for how to evade security the next time they plan on overthrowing democracy.

And now that Tuckyo Rose has it, the likelihood that it will be used for that purpose has increased exponentially.

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Can we just pause for a second and remember that Bannon stole money from MAGATworld, was pardon by the PAB for it, and yet he’s still a revered figure among the very people he scammed?

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They might as well release the tapes to the press. By now the Russians surely have a copy. It seems only fair that Americans should get to see them too.

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