"Nancy can herd those cats quite effectively."YES! Which is why if she wants to be Speaker again, she should be. As long as she wants.

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Obama tried a little too hard to get even one fucking Rethuglican to vote for the ACA. Had he resigned himself early on to passing health insurance reform on a straight party line vote, we might have gotten a little more. But we can't fault him for not knowing in 2009 what he had learned by 2016. He doesn't have a time machine.

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She couldn't stop the Kochs and Russia from pouring bucks onto Rethuglican candidates. And she couldn't control how individual Democrats ran.

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And she'd be great as President if (when, please FSM) Trump and Pence get impeached.

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Pence, or as my favorite husband calls him, "The Hoosier Mortician".

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And especially because she can get bills passed.

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Yeah, Senator Duckworth is real talented. She can kick ass without any feet! How can you do better than a disabled war hero(ine) who is also a new mother? I live in Illinois, and I'll vote for her as long as she feels like running.

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If their side ever realizes how much Trump is costing them that could help a lot.

Unfortunately, they seldom thin for themselves.

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As lame as their motivations of freedom, pro-life, guns and god are, they do motivate them.Our side just has to realize how truly important good governance is and vote to have it. That brings our whole agenda into play and gets it done.

Healthcare and the environment are huge issues. That alone should motivate us all.

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One problem is that the Trump zealots care intensely. Too many Dems/progressives have been wishy-washy for too long. I hope the Trump experience will change that in November. It's going to be a long wait.

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Better them than me.

The scam artists like Preznident Trumpp only need a small percentage of any group to work their magic. In this case, they are gifting themselves to him in hordes.

What can we do. The magical # of flaming idiots that exist at any given time is like 23%, the Republican rubes stay at right around 30% at all times.They are generationally prone to be used.

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FOX has a lot to do with that.

I think that an entire generation of Americans has been brainwashed, cult style. First they are exposed to small silly things and they believe them because they like the notion that all liberals are unpatriotic and that gays are trying to turn all of us gay. It fits their prejudices.

Then the WingNuts continus to introduce fantastical notions on a larger scale. All Muslims are out to get us. Mexican immigrants are lazy and want to steal our jobs. There is a deep state in the federal government.

Cults start out by trying to members to believe small things and to follow simple rules: for example, no nicknames; no pets that aren't purebred' only classical music and art. Next thing they have them signing over all their money.

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And just simple stupidity and ignorance for lots of the wingnuts.

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I think it starts with nurture. A long-time friend of mine, and one of the genuinely nicest people I know, was brought up by a right-wing father and has stayed in the fold since. It does not seem to be in her nature to rebel, even when the news presented to her is ridiculous.

Her beliefs have almost a fantasy element. While she of course fears and dislike immigrants, she does this in the same way I might fear and dislike Voledemort. She is nice and respectful to real people of any kind. The WingNuts have created an alternate universe where immigrants are no more real than dementors. (She is, by the way, a huge Harry Potter fan--a book series that teaches tolerance.)

So it's nature, nurture, and FOX News.

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Hence the title wingnuts.I hear that wingnuts beget wingnuts. I don't have absolute proof of that but they do congregate in fairly large groups and tend to lurk together. I wonder if they're born as wingnuts or morph into them.Is it nature or nurture?

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Sadly, it's not transparent to WingNuts. They are true believers in untrue things.

Of course, they've had lots of practice.

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