I understood the relationship when I saw them arrive at George H. W. Bush's funeral. He and Melania were escorted down to the front by a uniformed Marine where all the former Presidents had already been seated. Trump was wearing a heavy overcoat, and he just shrugged it off and threw it in the general direction of the Marine, not even looking that way.
grand plan to get back in office, maybe notBut I am wondering how much he took was part of the plan to keep his ass out of jail- and how much of it ended up in mar largo's terlits
it's weird how he can't help but telegraph every move he's about to make, or really would like to make, and how much of all this is based on projection
Just like Keenan Thompson said a few years ago on SNL, they ain't gonna do nothing to Trump. It was a skit mind you but I'm beginning to believe it. I'm tired of being sick and tired of that family and all their lies, corruption, and grift and no one in the justice department is doing a damn thing about him breaking the law right in our face 6 ways to Sunday. They act like they're afraid of him. It's disgusting.
Which is one of the things that makes him so popular to his "base."
I understood the relationship when I saw them arrive at George H. W. Bush's funeral. He and Melania were escorted down to the front by a uniformed Marine where all the former Presidents had already been seated. Trump was wearing a heavy overcoat, and he just shrugged it off and threw it in the general direction of the Marine, not even looking that way.
Everyone was the Help, plain and simple.
I'm still angry with Woodward for not revealing what he learned from/about Trump before publishing that last book.
He'd eat the paste.
you knowThat toilet thing sure makes all the weird ranting the dude did about flushing make sense.
grand plan to get back in office, maybe notBut I am wondering how much he took was part of the plan to keep his ass out of jail- and how much of it ended up in mar largo's terlits
it's weird how he can't help but telegraph every move he's about to make, or really would like to make, and how much of all this is based on projection
More likely, "Rosebud".
Oh god I hope so.
Please! A toddler.
Yep. I figure he thinks the toilet is magic, the way a small child does. It’s the magic go-away place.
Yes. Important info like Trump knew COVID was airborne. And oh yeah, that COVID is airborne.😠
Just like Keenan Thompson said a few years ago on SNL, they ain't gonna do nothing to Trump. It was a skit mind you but I'm beginning to believe it. I'm tired of being sick and tired of that family and all their lies, corruption, and grift and no one in the justice department is doing a damn thing about him breaking the law right in our face 6 ways to Sunday. They act like they're afraid of him. It's disgusting.
He spent four of five years doing exactly that, but it's anybody's guess whether it was from arrogance, stupidity, or laziness.
Although at least William Heirens was smart.
"when he took that shit."
Phrasing, please.LITERALLY NO ONE wants to picture tfg parked on the crapper.
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.