Yes and no. They left Europe because a) it was falling apart during the 30 Years War and b) they literally didn't want to be even able to see other people being religious in a manner that was different to theirs - these were people who were too hardcore for Puritan England, and thought that Calvinist Holland was far too liberal. They wanted, what later became, the US to have their religion and no others.They came to America to be free of other peoples' religions, but they believed that no one in America should be free of theirs.

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Love the look on his face.

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I make an exception for Frankenstein experiments on non-consenting adults who advocate for Frankenstein experiments on non-consenting adults.

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I'm talking 18th century here: not 17th. Washington and Jefferson were Deists---God was the Great Watchmaker who wound up the clock, then stepped back from human affairs and let it run.

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These days I find myself with the constant urge to stand on a soapbox and scream at passers-by "1984 was supposed to be a WARNING not a MANUAL!!!!"

(It's The Monkey Wrench Gang that's supposed to be the manual! )

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Injectable male birth control is coming onto the market soon. Can't wait to see what the christofascists will do about that

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And if you had gotten pregnant, your CO would of course have been completely solicitous and fair-minded and not penalized you in any way for hmmmmph hehehe I can't go on.

I know there are lot of women who have had good experiences in the military. But I have to say, if I had a daughter who wanted to join, I would do everything in my power to discourage her.

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It's not a plank in their platform, but the Repubs believe strongly that women's rights should be what men think they should be. They claim they need to protect us from ourselves since clearly we aren't smart enough to make good choices.

I just want to be protected from them.

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Sometimes proposed bill are just the usual bullshitting and they never have a chance of passing.

But when it concerns repressing women all votes are off. They've passed a bunch of those.

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No law on earth could make me love Donald Trump.

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And please note what isn't stated here by anyone: All of this applies exclusively to WOMEN. Men don't take the pill, or get abortions. What the asshole Smith is arguing is that employers should be allowed to exercise physical control over the bodies of FEMALE employees. This is called slavery.What these fuckers are really saying here is that women have to surrender control of their bodies and lives in order to make a living and survive in this world. OH, and don't forget, many employers STILL fire women for getting pregnant! This is what's known as a "double bind" and it's applied exclusively to our women citizens. Why is any sane person buying into this horrific bullshit. Would any MAN allow this control over himself?

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Isn't that covered under the treat others as one wishes to be treated clause?

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not for women

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I'm not saying the NHS is perfect, but a friend of mine had an abortion. There was no jumping through ridiculous hoops to get one , no religious mumbo jumbo to stop her having one and she didn't have to pay for it. Guess what, she's got two kids now, is happy, healthy and doesn't at all regret getting one because it wasn't a time in her life that she was ready for a child. What's going on in America makes me really worried for women.

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While I've enjoyed the hearings, I really have my heart set on the IRS taking down Dumpy for money laundering, bribery, or some tax fuckup.

But the important thing is he goes down.

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That is an excellent point.

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