Hillary Clinton accept ed.money from the private prison industry, a s did President Obama during his campaigns. Yes SOS Clinton donated those contributions to charity after the polls indicated it was bad.

Dont politicians know it is bad to take money from Private Prisons and mean people/corporations?

If Clinton and Obama think it is okay why should Trump? Yo u think Trump has a moral compass? Hardly.

Private Prisons are bad and we need to stop them. Of course we cant because we are not really in control. Hopefully someone will run for office who does have power and will do something to stop this trend

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I say that we brought on 9/11, but didn’t quite deserve it (that opinion is currently under review). However, when the next bad thing happens to the US, we* will have definitely deserved it.

*The royal we

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Fortunately this time, the path is well documented...

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Gotta breed a whole new batch of terrorists....

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you're right, and I'm sorry. I really should know better, and there's absolutely no excuse for that kind of comment, no matter who it's directed at. that being said, I'm about to make a bunch of excuses for myself. it's been a tough week, I can never understand what it feels like to be a victim of sexual assault, I am a very large scary looking man. my wife lost her virginity to a person exactly like kavanaugh, in eerily similar circumstances. so every day I come home and she's watching the news again and I can tell she's been crying all day. there's nothing that feels more powerless than watching the person you love in pain, and if I could go back in time to when she was 14 I would absolutely break all the commenting rules and many of the laws of the state of colorado without hesitation. but I can't (only Obama can time travel) so I've spent all week just wanting to punch something or someone to try to make it right, but there's nobody to punch. there's absolutely nothing I can do, this one bad guy got away with it, and it just seems like more and more, the bad guys keep on getting away with it. when michelle told us "when they go low, we go high" I was right there with her, but I had no idea how low they could go, and honestly, lately I just don't know if I can keep going high. I know that's exactly what the troll on this site wants, and I know that's exactly what the troll in the white house and all of his troll followers want, but sometimes I really just can't help myself. the thing is, there's always gonna be people like you dok, and all the other moderators and all the non-commenters here in this non commenting section that will call me on it, and remind me that I actually can be a better person, that I don't need to stoop to a troll's level. I think what makes this place great is that we all expect that of each other, and you expect that of us, and hold us to it. so thanks for that and I promise I'll be better from now on

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Hi. No rape jokes. No, not even directed at the imagined daughter of a troll. What's wrong with you? WE DON'T JOKE ABOUT RAPING PEOPLE HERE.

Please review the rules.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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Most prisons are little more than concrete dog kennels. Don't be surprised if prisoners - most of whom will eventually be released - are angry.

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Douchebag Von Fuckface and Thurston Shitbag the Third.

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Back before I became an old (how did that happen?), the ROT (rule of thumb) at the humongous ((oil)) companies I worked at was 'If you didn't get the skeletons out of the closet in 6 months, they were your skeletons'. Times up donnie!

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I'd suggest opening old Sheriff Joe's tent prisons someplace deep in Death Valley or perhaps an East Texas or Louisiana bayou, one with lots of very hungry gators.

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Private prisons and privatizing any prison services, food service, health care, etc have become humongous cash cows. These companies are terrified if weed become legal and the "war on drugs" is ratcheted down that where the money and the prisoners. Juvenile justice is also a money tree, remember that judge in Pennsylvania who got kickbacks for jailing kids (https://www.nytimes.com/200... This is totally driven by money. Not public safety, not justice, not humanity just the dollars. The more bodies locked up the more money flows in. Private prison companies would have been slavers making the middle passage in 1820. They're the same kind of human scum.

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The trade in small and light arms internationally. There is no place so destitute or poverty-stricken that you can't make good money from moving more guns into it. These people are truly vile.

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They run 71 facilities? Adelanto has 2,000 people in it and they get $5.4 million a MONTH to run it.

Not making this up.This is from the local paper in September:

"ADELANTO — In May, the city inadvertently double-paid $5.4 million to the private operator of an immigration detention center. Only recently, however, did the city respond to operator GEO Group’s multiple attempts to alert Adelanto of the mix up, according to city and GEO officials.

The city serves as the pass-through agency in an agreement that enables U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to hold immigration detainees at the GEO-owned Adelanto Detention Facility.

Each month, GEO prepares an invoice on behalf of the city, which submits it to ICE. ICE then sends the money to Adelanto and the city cuts a check for that exact amount to GEO."

5400000/2000 = $2,700 per detainee per month. Just a bit under $100 a day. Up to 75,500 people involved? You do the math. The company gets up to $7M every day. And they can't be made accountable for the health and safety of the people in their care? It would be cheaper to release the detainees on their own recognizance, give them $100 a week and have them report to authorities twice a week.

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Even Russian meddling comes in second behind this reason:


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Like everything else, IOKIYAR.

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And his voter base. And the GOP congressmen who have been entrusted to oversee the Executive Branch.

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