At the Women's March 2017 I didn't have my shit together enough to make my intended poster: "I can't believe I have to say this, but Nazis are Bad." A Jewish employee at GitHub was fired for telling coworkers on Slack, "stay safe, there are Nazis out there" because he offended a white person/Nazi. (https://www.bbc.com/news/te.... At least...no one wants you to say "Nazi" because we have not yet reached the point of saying "The Nazis weren't ALL bad" being mainstream. But it's coming.

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Just had this crap in Eugene, OR. Counter protesters chased them off after plenty of gas/ bear mace/ pepper balls got shot around and the chuds tossed off Nazi salutes for the press.

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The true white nationalist are the Republicans we met along the way.

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Why you gotta be like that?

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This sentence: "They're all scared of the word "socialist" until you stick the word "National" in front of it." - this is going to stay with me for a long time. Well done.

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To me the handwriting was on the wall for the GOPs affinity for the Nazis when the GOP failed to vociferously and unambiguously condemn Timothy McVey and the "conservatives" were more concerned with whether they had any blame for the atmosphere that promoted the extreme violence of McVey.

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Though they prefer them to be official and in uniform. Most of America's mass murderers are just enthusiastic amateurs.

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It’s always projection with these fucks. Always. How would she like her ignorant bigotry turned on its head?“How dare you bring an 11 year old child to an adult protest about kids in drag? You don’t know what kind of reactionary conservative pervs there are among your sick dumbfucking group! If protesting nothingburgers is their and your sick fetish maybe we should have CPS investigate!”

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Where are the Blues Brothers when you need them?https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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What’s the saying?

If you have five people at a table, one of them is a Nazi, and the other four don’t object, you have five Nazis.

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But that just proves Hitler was a leftist, checkmate libbies!

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But today’s Nazis just want to keep their nationalism inside America, so, according to Candace Owens, that makes it okay.

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Because men dressing up as women is a classic entertainment trope that goes back centuries. Silliness and fun is the whole point. It’s why people watch movies like “The Birdcage” and “To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar.”

But not “White Chicks.” That movie has never entertained any one.

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Ever since they came out against critical thinking skills.

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Just don't get in between the National Socialist Movement and the National Socialist Front when they get going.

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Do you know how pissed they're going to be if they don't get their concentration camps? That's a dealbreaker.

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