... with diplomatic cover!

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This is all so depressing I can't stand it!!

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I wonder how his fellow Supreme Court Justices will treat him when they are in closed sessions.

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You are correct in the sense that I didn't write it down. But trust me I haven't forgot not one little bit. I wore the uniform for 22 years. This shit is very personal for me

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You seem like a good guy.

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Does anyone actually think she allows The Turtle to penetrate her or is she just his BEARD?

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#notallredstatedemocraticsenatorsMany thanks to Debbie Stabenow for being brave enough to vote no, despite her upcoming election. They are already gunning for her. We will resist.

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They have a point, but seriously, why do the Dems have to be the ones that should be accepting of him just because there's a chance, maybe a slight one, that he'll vote with them? As it is the Repubs basically demand purity to their party but Dems are supposed to do the opposite? It seems to be working for them.

Now I know this also depends on actually putting up a good candidate which it being W VA is not likely to happen but at the same time, I'm not convinced that Manchin basically isn't just a DINO when it comes to the big issues anyway.

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It certainly is one that Pooty is in.

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"...Now I know this also depends on actually putting up a good candidate which it being W VA is not likely to happen ..."

That's basically the whole deal, right there. In that state, the best you can hope for is someone who votes like a Democrat some of the time; which is the incumbent, Minchin.

Of course we don't like it, because we're all gay pussyfart liberal snowflakes, but he's actually doing a good job of representing his own constituents. It's unrealistic to expect him to represent us even though we're all nominally D.

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misspelled bottles

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Eider that or it's off somewhere feathering it's own nest with Soros' bucks.

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I just realized "ball gag" is an ambiguous phrase.

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Gorsuch must be so freaking glad he won't have to stroke his chin, look at the sky and say, "As a judge, I must consider all the facts, and the law, and decide the case, without passion or prejudice, blah blah." Now all he has to do is hurl lightning bolts of, "corporations win, cops win, no laws on guns, asprin between the knees, and what voting rights?'.

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Pretty much, except he goes the extra mile. When constituents write to him with specific concerns the form letter that comes back says some variation of "Thank you for contacting me. You and many other North Dakotans have spoken, and I have listened. I am going to vote [in direct opposition to the way your letter asked me to] because I'm here in Washington for you."

I shit you not.

I have received multiple letters just like this.

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Mr. Justfiftyfour Votes

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