I did not look at the eclipse with my bare eyeballs, but I DID look at the eclipse with my bear eyeballs. Will I survive?

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As long as you have a pair of bear arms, the founding fathers are with you.

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The first thing I did afterwards was to come back in the house and attempt to view Wonkette only to find it had been raptured!!! Whatsamatter Wonkette? Change your mind? Are you a bit choosy about what company you keep? Huh?

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According to other lunatics, looking directly at the sun causes your brain to flood with naturally-produced DMT

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Saw my first eclipse today. (Didn’t bother in 2017.) Around 90% coverage in MA, and it was … honestly? Very cool! Nifty. One with the cosmos. I tabled my cynicism for the day and really enjoyed the experience of it. 😎🌞🕶️🌒

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Honestly? I think way too much has been made of this particular foolishness on his part. Most people who sustain eye damage from looking at an eclipsing sun do so because they *stare* in wonder and amaze for several minutes as it disappears into the safer totality zone. Luckily for him, he's incapable of being awed by anything other than his own reflection, so his vision was never in danger because he just glanced at it, already bored after a mere 5 seconds.

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Okay. I just popped my total eclipse cherry, and I got to say, It. Was. Awesome.

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Right? It was cool!

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And people want this moron to have the nuclear codes again.

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Mama always told me not to look into the sights of the sun. Woah, but mama, that's where the fun is, oh yeah

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DJT (aka Trump Media & Technology Group Corp, aka Truth Social) drops to it’s 2024/03/22 price, wiping out all the gains since merger, less than 50% of its recent peak of $79.

This wipes out anyone still holding from a purchase from 2021/10/22-2022/06/10 when it was trading in the $43-97 range.

Probably not a good idea to take shares as collateral for anything.

Forbes reports it has a book value of less than $2/share, down from the $10 initial buy-in which was only worth $8.



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"Truth Social is very strong, in terms of strength. Many people are telling me that. The people who aren't telling me that, I'm suing them."

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Never stare at the eclipse. Absolutely goddamned right. Trump stared at the eclipse. He split from the whole fucking program.

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Fucker sued his partners because the share price dropped.

What an imbecile.

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About this: why didn’t that dipshit go blind when he looked up at the eclipse? Also too, when I’m in the YouTube comments section reading the inevitable Biden trolls, and they post their crap on MSNBC videos, this is always my go to response “Trump looked up at an eclipse”

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For Republicans, Tiny Hands is truly the brains of the operation.

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As part of the Trump takeover of the RNC, everyone had to submit a letter of resignation and reapply for their jobs or face termination. Then, they got to the interview process and the questions about the 2020 election, and a lot of rehires declined the positions they were offered.

tldr: The RNC now has a manpower crisis because they were assholes to the rank and file.

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Literally the tiny hands. Brains in his cranium not in evidence.

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I would agree if there had been any brain to fry.

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I've often wondered why more of his religious supporters don't ever wonder if he might actually be the Antichrist. My guess is that even they know that the Antichrist wouldn't be so hilariously incompetent.

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"Forbes listed Trump’s net worth at$4.7 billion as of Wednesday morning, making him the 666th-richest person in the world. The lowest net worth included in the Bloomberg Billionaires Index ‒ which measures personal wealth based on changes in the market, the economy and Bloomberg reporting ‒ as of Tuesday was $5.81 billion."

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He's supposed to be smooth, a seducer, not an angry baby who has been reproved for grabbing a chicken wing off a guest's plate.

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I rarely wish harm on people but I do make exceptions for him. I so wanted him to go blind from that. I'm sure he used it to further his anti-science agenda.

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He just glanced up. Like tens of millions of other people did. That one still photo, though, makes it look like he stared for hours.

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Thing is he is supposed to be an adult and a role model as president, not just an impulsive baby.

Today we only had split second glimpses of the maximum coverage here (95%) in thin spots in the clouds and all you heard was "THERE IT IS!" as people spotted it in the heavy cloud cover , follows almost immediately by a disappointed "Awww" as it almost immediately went back in the heavier clouds. I'd be surprised if anyone got more than 2-3 seconds of exposure to the sun.

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And it's never not funny.

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The manchild's lack of impulse control is what makes him such a fine Republican. He represents that lot oh-so-well.

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