Dishonesty!! It's what's for lunch. (And dinner, and breffust.) These fucken people.

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Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy: The Axis of Evil.

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I'm so confused by the picture on the cover of that book. Of course Paul Ryan has his typical cocksure, slimy Repub smile. Of course Kevin has a stupid look to match his stupid brain. But what the fuck is Eric Cantor doing with his face? Why did they choose THIS particular photo for a BOOK COVER? I have to assume this was genuinely the best pic of the three a professional photog could get.

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The axes of weevils

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HABBA: Well, let’s be clear. If there was an attempt by someone who lives in a home, take our President Trump, who owns a company, he owns it. He owns the I.T., he pays for all these employees. IF there was an attempt for him not to turn over documents or he wanted something deleted, do you not think that’s something he couldn’t have gotten done?


So... she's basically echoing what T***p's attitude seemed to be? That he was CEO of America, Inc., and that everything produced during or prior to his four years in office belonged to him, to keep or dispose of as he saw fit? She's another vote for changing the Presidency to "absolute despot", but only as long as it's a Republican she approves of in office.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023

"Have a week."

Good grief, is it going to be a whole week? It'll mostly be August!

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Heart/upfist for the Ryan Reynolds clip....

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Habba-dabba-doo also said Trump was the most ethical American she’s even met.

Which can only be true if Trump had been the only American she’s ever met.

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that's always been Haley's thing

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Good thing it only comes around every 26 years!! (I know, 2 "l's", bite me!!) I kid, nuthin' but the best!!

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“IF there was an attempt by [TFG] not to turn over documents,” he would have been successful, is just about the dumbest thing I’ve heard from one of his attorneys, and that is saying A LOT.

GURRL, read the indictments! What do you think Counts 1-32 (Willful Retention of National Defense Information), not to mention all the obstruction charges, are even about?! He hid boxes from his own damn lawyer so he wouldn’t have to return classified documents pursuant to a grand jury subpoena. He tried to delete security cam footage so the hiding of boxes wouldn’t be discovered. It took a damn search warrant to get a bunch of the classified documents back.

What I really want to know, though, is whether the “journalist” even tried to push back on any of this horseshit with, you know, actual facts.

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Qevin McCarthy looked middle-aged even when he was a "young" gun.

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He was in his forties then, which I guess qualified as a “young gun” in republican leadership.

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I wonder if that dude EVER looked young? I have a hard time picturing it; in fact, just trying to picture it makes me want to have a drink.

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Feel free!! You are not approaching this situation betimes.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Michael Mora

Thank you for using Ramaswamy's back story to expose his rank hypocrisy. His entitled attitude and closed mind regarding the struggles most people face ought to doom him, but, well, this is the GOP.

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"Rank" is pretty on the nose, amirite? Pee-yu!!

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Republicans like their minorities like Clarence Thomas: bitter and resentful because Ivy League snobs treated him like he didn’t belong there and fifty years ago and somehow concluding that it was the programs that helped him get there that were to blame, not the racist assholes who treated him like garbage.

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''Habba, seriously, this is not helping your case"

I dunno. "Hey, I never actually told those knights to kill Beckett" helped keep Hank from getting an ecclesiatical squashing from the Pope.

Seriously - there is a trail of communications between Trump and his guys that certainly suggests instructions, but if Nauta and DeOlivera don't flip a friendly jury could be sold on the idea that these were just overzealous minions and if they do flip their self-interest will be leveraged against them like rats in a mob trial.

Lookit - I still think that Smith has a great case, but this underling-blaming gambit is not dumb.

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Always remember - each and every PAB acolyte that comes on TV is performing for an audience of one.

So for Habba-Dabba-Doo's appearance, you have to ask yourself - "Did PAB like what she had to say?" If the answer is "yes", then she did the job she was hired to do and as long as the paycheck clears, she could not care less what the perception of her interviews are.

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Check's gotta clear!! Of course! (Good luck w/that!!)

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Michael Mora

I like Ryan Reynolds.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Michael Mora

"IF there was an attempt for him not to turn over documents or he wanted something deleted, do you not think that’s something he couldn’t have gotten done?"

"If I Did It" vol II. Jesus, not even Rupert Murdoch's publishing company would touch that one...

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Gimme a minute to wade through all those negatives! Well, maybe a couple o' minutes!

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Spock: "Everything I say is a lie, and I am lying now."

Scotty: "Aye Mr. Spock, poor Lass is polishing that turd and giving it everything she's got!"

McCoy: "Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a belly dancer! (I've been in space so long!)"

Kirk: "Jesus Bones, take a powder already! Hey there's that cute ensign, pass me my girdle!

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"the deeper problem in our schools today is many of them teaching young black kids, students and minorities that they're oppressed based on the color of their skin "

Oh, honey. These kids don't need to be taught that they're affected by systemic racism. They already know it.

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"IF there was an attempt for him not to turn over documents or he wanted something deleted, do you not think that’s something he couldn’t have gotten done?"

Sounds like she's making excuses for a failed attempt to delete the tapes. Which would mean there are tapes in peoples hands. I'm guessing Habba knows Jack Smith has all the tapes he needs to nail this bumbling band of tfg's chucklefucks.

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He's a perfect example of the ever present "I got mine, so screw you" attitude of this modern repug party.

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