I'm going to leave that one alone. I only do one bad joke at a time.

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Ron DeathSentence is sort of a horse's ace. Or was that 'ace hole'?

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The Better Than Life videogame kept tricking the players into thinking they had left the game. Similar tactics.

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You'll never know how much nature abhors a vacuum until you take your Kirby camping.

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I am a member of Gulf Coast ADAPT and a polio survivor from 1954. #SuckItAbleism #CripTheVote

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Whatever. Neither Gov. Wheels or that Cawthorn creep face the same life challenges non-privileged people with disabilities do. AND they are committed to making life worse for women, the poor, and non-whites. Start commenting about issues facing the real disabled.

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I don’t hide my name and I am active on twitter , and I have no time for oppression Olympics. So intersectional of you.

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"intersectional"? Bet your ass. You are a waste of my time.

Have a day.

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dammit! who told you that our koala's cure kovid (it's in the name, see?)

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i had to read that a few times before i got it

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It was a terrible joke, but I couldn't help myself. 😁

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natural selection only works for things that move slowly through the population (like generations slow) viruses can mutate in the space of hours - so that won't work at all - not to mention the whole ghoulish 'let them die' schtick you're running with.

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Shots confer stronger and better immunity than getting the disease and surviving. (That's assuming you DO survive.) I'm paying attention to medical professionals - professionals whose experience and knowledge is in the relevant areas, not the likes of Scott Atlas, who lack expertise in contagious diseases and are political shills into the bargain. I'm ignoring right wing politicians and preachers. I specify "right wing" because they are character-istically the ones who don't accept facts or science.I've had the shots and I advise you to get them for your own sake.If you haven't had them already.Maybe you have and you're just mouthing off.

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I'm certain that lowering tourist numbers made Disney and their right-wing owners VERY happy

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Because they are right-wingers...

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Something else completely absent in the NYP analysis: the cost of monoclonal antibody treatment relative to the cost of the vaccine.I also love when I meet people who tell me “I don’t trust the vaccine bc it was developed way too fast by the medical-industrial complex” and then in the next breath tell me “My daughter got COVID, they gave her the monoclonal antibody treatment and she’s doing better” as if that very treatment wasn’t developed by the exact same-said medical-industrial complex.Talk to me again in 3-4 weeks when your daughter’s medical bills start rolling in. Dumbass.

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