Be thankful you survived! I used to deliver pizza in one and felt so exposed that I still wonder why someone didn't shoot me in the head. Because, well, why not?

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Meh ... all you got to do is walk reasonably fast.

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I thought he was more like the piñata of American politics.

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Ole Newt is one deep thinker! Schemes within plans within plots. He is laughing as we gaze in awe and confusion - and he will laugh last when the GNoPee nominates him in Tampa.

Or not.

Meanwhile, it appears his laid-off campaign workers have all headed for France: <a href="http://news.yahoo.com/blogs..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/pic-bugarach...">http://news.yahoo.com/blogs...

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Is she the real mother of that English girl who makes-up like a Japanese doll on the Internets?

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So he'll just stand at the door to the Tampa convention and hand out flyers asking people to vote for him? That's bold thinking!

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Did anyone else get a fund-raising letter from Gov. Scott Walker? I think Ole Crazy Eyes is trying to retire the campaign debt she doesn't have by renting her email lists.

First it was Li'l Ricky, now this jerk.

I first got on the list because I requested tickets to the One L vs. Duh Gov'Nuh Texas Steel Cage Death Match (thanks, Wonkette!). Now every broke and broken-down member of the right wing (and there sure are a lot of 'em!) is asking me for money.

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The Pinto of American politics, just waiting to burst into flames. Actually Newt is built more like an Pacer but the analogy doesn't work as well. Hah, who among you remember these fine vehicles?

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Digital campaign? I can see the emails already, from Newt's newlly-hired Nigerian fund-raising experts.

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Hey Newt: When your "big ideas" are appealing to exactly zero percent of Democrats, and about 10% fo Republicans, maybe they just aren't very good ideas. Ever think of that?

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