Your entire life — your accomplishments and failures; heartaches and triumphs — were all to prepare you for and direct you to this story.

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Mine, too! Pushed from a moving truck on the highway in Alabama, the sister of a non profit saw it and scooped him up, bloody and bruised.

Other than a fetish for ripping rolls of toilet paper into bits that go everywhere, he is the bestest, sweetest boy ever. How he can still love humans when nobody's thrown ME from a truck and I can barely tolerate most is a mystery I'll never solve. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Now they are gonna have to sit on the Group W bench when they get drafted into the Army.

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Tell that to the dodos.

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Ange gave Barney a bullet for his gun!

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Oh, I just noticed your avatar - very nice! Love me some Badfinger!

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What? This brazen scofflaw slammed her car keys into the cop's hand and they didn't kneel on her neck for nine minutes?What kind of woke, hippie law enforcement do they do in that town?

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We took cat food, traps, pooper scoopers and other implements of destruction and headed on down to the city park.

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Gotta start catching the feral rats and neutering them?

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In the video one of the cops is clearly on a training run being taught how to harass do-gooders and escalate situations from a citation to an arrest for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. They don't come into the job knowing these skills, they have to learn them.

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Hey, man, haven't seen you around since Ed's death.Hope you're doing well.

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And cops wonder why we call them pigs.

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Nah, just gotta catch all the Mommies and harvest that delicious Rat Milk.

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Here in the middle of NC, we worked for years to get a no-chain ordinance for dogs and had to make all sorts of concessions along the way and a couple of the worst red necks on the city council called us “communists”.

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What a sweetie face! Not sure what's in the water down in 'Bammy, but at least the dogs are alright.

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Alabama. It figures. In Republicanland everything good is bad and vice versa.

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