A friend’s daughter had extra embryos, rather than destroying them, they gave them to some people who couldn’t use their own for some reason. I guess it is a thing.

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Let us never forget that God Himself (always a him) takes one out of every four naturally fertilized eggs as his own.

(Would that be part of the whole child sacrifice thing? I’m just asking questions!)

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Haley didn't mention if she tried fertility drugs before she resorted to milking her husband, as most people do. If she did, she would have been reassured to know that if that resulted in too many multiple fertilized eggs she would not have been forced to carry all of them to a risky, NICU-bound, early delivery.

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"Mr. Wilson, we're from the Alabama Department of Revenue. We're here because you're claiming 20 children on your taxes, but we have no record of them. Where are these 20 children which you are claiming?"

"Oh, they're in the freezer next to the Butter Pecan ice cream."

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If embryos are children, will they be included in the death statistics? Some 10 to 20% of all pregnancies end in a spontaneous abortion.

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God's got some splaining to do.

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Out this morning: "“Now we’re in a place where government officials feel emboldened to say the quiet part out loud, and directly challenge the separation of church and state, a foundational part of our democracy,” said Rachel Laser, CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State."


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If frozen and/or gestating embryos are now "children", do they now get counted on the decennial census, and how would that affect each state's population for seats in the House and Electoral College votes? How many seats do the red states lose, and how many do the blue states gain?

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Think of the money one could make from the IRS by claiming Child Tax Credits.

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Clearly the Alabama Supreme Court wasn't thinking when it wrote this opinion. This is what happens when you get stupid people into powerful governmental positions that have little oversight, such as a supreme court. If those stupid people have an agenda to push, pro-life and anti-abortion, and have no regard for the law, then you get monstrosities like this.

I have a feeling that the entire opinion will be overruled by SCOTUS, but they will try to find procedural ground for doing so, instead of constitutional ones.

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They aren't 'pro-life' they are forced-birthers, they love executing inmates, the crueler the better.

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True. It’s also so that it’s high time for us recognize that completion of law school is no sign at all of any usefully complete education… at best only a sign of a certain low cleverness with language.

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Unfortunately, this is true even of the law schools of Harvard, Yale and Georgetown. There is a split between conservatives and liberal approaches to the law, with the conservative approach being much more cynical and bat shit crazy in many instances.

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Has anyone asked Nikki Haley what happened to her other "embryos" that weren't used to populate her uterus? Are they still hanging out in a freezer somewhere? Or did they get sent back to the place where unused proto-babies go? Seems pertinent that she clarify her position a bit further.

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The place where unused proto-babies go used to be called Limbo. I understand that's not the case anymore.

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Gee, I guess all those well-to-do White suburbanites who now won't get their IVF shouldn't have smugly voted Republican...



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Yeah, all those IVF facilities where those fetus-sicles are stored are in quite a bit of a pickle. Now that they know they're potentially on the hook for murder charges should any of these babies-in-waiting meet premature ending, they should inform their customers they immediately have to find accommodations elsewhere.

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One good power outage and the population of death row will increase three-fold.

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Alabama consistantly gets hit by hurricanes. And Tornados, my friends son lost his home to one.

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Saying frozen embryos are people is right into the "Every Sperm is sacred" territory. The only point where a fetus becomes a child is when it takes its first breath. If it can't breath it will never survive outside the womb. .

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𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘋𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘥 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘱 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘥𝘶𝘮𝘣 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘥.

Titanic, meet iceberg.

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Trickster Nickster, good nickname. Don't let Tump get ahold of it though. Anyone else but him.

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Nikki's schtick is to be compassionate. IT MEANS NOTHING. She just wants it both ways. She wants to oppose women's rights, while trying to convince women that she cares. GFY, trickster, I mean Nickster.

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She's trying to be one of those "compassionate conservatives" like Dubya.

Or as Bill Clinton described it, "What they mean is, 'I'd like to help you, but I won't.'"

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I’d like to believe that I’d like to help you, but I have convinced myself that I can’t.

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"I don't judge anybody for being an abolitionist, and I don't want them to judge me because I'm pro-slavery" - Tricky Nikky Haley

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I believe that from now on, I shall refer to her as "Tricky Nikki." Thank you for that.

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Holy shit! Anybody read that Alabammy SC ruling?

When did Chick tracts become law school curricula?

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🎯Since pedo Roy Moore was picking up little girls at dance recitals.

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True though, that's how he snagged his wife.

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Holy shit! Anybody read that Alabammy SC ruling?

When did Chick tracts become law school curricula?

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What is a Chick tract?

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Jack Chick made small, lurid comics about various Biblical themes, usually everyone who doesn't do what he says God says to do is going to burn in hell.

Fundies would order them by the truckload and leave them in public places for others to read.

They're so over the top that they became cool.

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Wow! Disgusting 🫣

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Oh they were. Trying to scare litle kids into religion.

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