Nikki Haley Wishes Trump Was Totally Different Person Who ISN'T Whining Racist Loser
Don't worry, her endorsement isn't going anywhere, she's a coward.
Nikki Haley, the coward who ran against Donald Trump, actually siphoned a meaningful number of votes from him (even long after she dropped out), then crawled back to him like a dog to vomit as soon as she was beckoned — she even endorsed him at the RNC! — has some critiques of Trump’s run against Kamala Harris.
Could he, like, be an entirely different person? At least that’s how we’re interpreting her critiques. Surely she’s not such a moron that she thinks these are changes Trump is actually physically capable of making?
Haha, maybe she is.
She said it all on Fox News, because where else would she say it? Start a little after the four-minute mark.
“What Donald Trump needs to do is go out there and campaign every single day, telling the American people exactly what Kamala Harris has said.”
Nikki Haley wants Donald Trump to campaign every day, instead of staying at home and masturbating on the toilet and babble-bitching on Truth Social.
“We are 80-plus days out. We need him to win, but you’ve got to go out and do the work,
Nikki Haley wants Trump to do the work.
and the one thing Republicans have to stop doing, quit whining about her.”
Nikki Haley wants Trump to stop whining. Also all other Republicans.
This is some hilariously delusional bullshit, tell us more.
“We knew it was gonna be her. She’s not gonna give an interview. They’re gonna hold out as long as they can. That’s their right, they can do it, that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about what she believes in and we should be getting out there and doing that.”
Now we’re back to doing the work, fuck.
She even said she wants Trump to campaign for votes from more than just his base, like votes from suburban women and other people who hate him and think he’s basically the human equivalent of a hocked loogie on top of a urinal cake in a dirty rest stop bathroom.
So that ain’t gonna happen.
“I want this campaign to win, but the campaign is not going to win talking about crowd sizes.”
No talking about crowd sizes? BOOOOOOOOOO.
Here is Donald Trump today after voting in the Florida primary, whining about crowd sizes. How can he not whine about them? He is extremely insecure about them.
Back to Haley:
“It’s not going to win talking about what race Kamala Harris is.”
No racism? BOOOOOOO, insecurity and racism are the only things Republicans have!
“It’s not going to win talking about whether she’s dumb.”
No calling Kamala Harris stupid while also being racist? BOOOOOOOO BOOOOOO BOOOO BOOOOOOOOO!
“You can’t win on those things. The American people are smart. Treat them like they’re smart.”
And even there this is a no-go. The entire Republican strategy is not to treat voters like they’re intelligent. If they were, they’d be Democrats.
The Republican strategy is to keep their voters stupid, racist, confused, and angry and to make sure they’re always sucking on the teat of perpetual victimhood. None of that can coexist with “The American people are smart. Treat them like they’re smart.”
But we understand why Nikki Haley is out there trying to pretend like she didn’t sell her entire soul and integrity when she caved like every other defeated Republican loser and went knocking on Trump’s doorstep again. It’s probably filling some kind of perverse psychological need for her.
Sadly for her, we all can see that she’s the same coward she’s always been.
The end.
[h/t JoeMyGod / Trump video via Acyn]
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“…crawled back to him like a dog to vomit as soon as she was beckoned…”
“…the human equivalent of a hocked loogie on top of a urinal cake in a dirty rest stop bathroom.”
If anyone wonders why I read Wonkette…it’s all about the class.
Lovable Liberal and his Old English sheepdog
Today Lauren Boebert called Kamala Harris "the most poorly educated presidential candidate in modern history."
Harris has a Doctorate of Jurisprudence.
Boebert has a GED
Your thoughts?