It should be noted that Baghdad Bob went to the University of Arizona.

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"I only care about soldiers that don't get concussed"

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With a beer chaser.

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Always moving the goalposts...

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Weird how at Pro Football games they can diagnose a concussion in a matter of minutes. I suppose the military needs to recruit more doctors from Pro Football teams.

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"No Americans ( That Trump Gives A Shit About ) Were Harmed."

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In this case I think I'm actually ok with the lie. It meant they didn't have to hit back at Iran and de-escalated. I like not going to war.

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Don't they have someone on staff to tell them that their lies are so obvious they're not fooling anyone? Or do they just not even care enough to try anymore?

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OK. At base after an attack are concussive injuries diagnosed by outward symptoms or by actual testing results such as CT scans? Understanding that the brain can continue to swell, how are the troops initially assessed, how is the follow up?

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No Russia! No Russia! You’re the Russia!

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I'm sniffing victory!

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No CT scans. Outward symptoms. And complaints of symptoms by a group that will brush off injuries as a matter of course. Delayed symptoms will have to be noticed by the people around them.

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In Trump's defense, he got confused when the teleprompter read, "All is Orwell."

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This is true, although Trump's face-saving whopper would not have been necessary in the first place if it weren't for his previous metric fuckton of lies and delusions.

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Frightening and wrong to have troops in the way of danger but only be prepared for broken arms and legs?Like cyber warfare, concussive warfare is a part of the future that is already here.

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They are prepared for more than cuts and broken bones.

Think of it like this: The medics job is to keep you alive until you can get to the level II care. Their job is to stabilize you until they can get you out to level I care.

A lot of the equipment in theater is limited because of size constraints on the hospitals, power constraints from the generator systems, and sometimes the really sensitive equipment just does not work well in a desert combat theater.

Gettong concussions is nothing new. Nor is a Soldier denying they are hurt. Not one of them wants to be the one to leave their buddies hanging while they get evac'd for anything at all, so they blow off the injures and deny that it happened. Until someone else notices they are not at 100% yet.

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