Sorry, but that was my recollection of Ollie's testimony, the chattering classes compared him to Mr. Smith Goes to Washingon

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This is, as the man says, America.

Seriously though, have you guys watched that Childish Gambino music video? It is so good. TW: gun violence.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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There's a snag, though - like, when you arm both sides and they come after YOU.

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It's official. We are truly in the Upside Down.

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Always with the projection, these motherfuckers are.

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Lessee, that's about...75 Benghazis? So by my math, the RWNJ noise machine should bring up Beirut at every opportunity, or just out of the blue, for the next 390 years.

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I guess if that was your bf's thing, but truly, that whole Raygun administration was maleficently versed in lying to everyone's faces in multiple ways although in retrospect it all seems very quaint compared to the current shithole-in-thief and his confederates.

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I was a little kid working in a flea market with my dad when the whole Iran-Contra thing went down. We sold "Ollie North for President" bumper stickers then.

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Correct ,I know from an old political operative, he doesn't believe half of what he says ,but cashed on on Conservative Cult Inc ,for the Yahoos to buy books ,CDs paraphernalia ,and BELIEVE ,while they get conned .

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Literally every word out of their filthy mouths is pure projection. They're too stupid to imagine anything outside of their own fetid minds.

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They are anti - American . The fools want to Armed to the teeth ,so they can overthrow the " Gubermint " ,in case ' Liberty ' ,as amorphous in definition by them is a threat . They can't define it , don't get it,and would never recognize it . Nor could they DEFEAT it ...but Comic Book History ,Teeee Vee ,and Hollywood has them dreaming .

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So he sold weapons to Iran persons? That’s becuz the She eyetts and the Sony’s were fightin each other, and we needed to sell to both sides so they could kill each other so we dint have to. You may not know this, but we killed many Iraq persons later because Iran persons dint kill enough of them and the Iraq persons where messing with oil and they wanted to welcome us as liberators.Believe me, he is no trader, that’s fer shure.He even had help from Jew persons witch proves he’s not predjuiced. Now watch the libtards go on a which hunt aginst him.Heel defend my right to own any wepon I want. So, it’s anti-aircraft or bust. You go, Olly!

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isn't your hour on the library computer up? Doesn't mom expect you home after school? And I'm sure you're super proud of Oliie getting 270 of his fellow Marines blown into little bits of bone and brain spatter in Beirut. Him and Dutch, those genius military minds.

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Holy crap, Ollie North is still alive? I'd have thought he died of pure sexual release from the thought of all the far righties exercising their "2nd amendment rights" against innocent people in public places by now.

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The best thing about an Aztec is that you can leave it in the parking lot with the windows down and the key in the ignition and no one will steal it.

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Always a smart move to sell weapons to a country on the list of countries that sponsor terrorism, especially terrorism directed toward us. You know, one that was always featured on the news with plenty of its crazies shouting "Death to the United States!" I bet you didn't have to read up on much of anything.if it weren't for fucking patriots like you, Ryan, where would we be? Smart move to let them have weapons to kill other crazies..and may be a few Americans as well.

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