Not so much that, but he really could stand to stop negotiating with himself. It sucks, but every single thing is gonna be a fucking battle royale.

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Why? Just because they have done that for four years?

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I like the cut of your gibberish.

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I often like to relax with a bit of sudoku, so it might do them some good. Oh, <i>seppuku</i>? Well, that would do them a world of good.

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My brief and undistinguished service in the USAF was motivated by about equal parts of (1) not wanting to get my ass shot off and (2) realizing that the war was a really stupid idea.

Shit, in my ROTC classes (we had those) in 1967-9, they <i>instructed</i> us that a land war in Asia was a bad idea, and that keeping score by body count was contrary to US strategic thinking.

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"... it will only lead ordinary Americans to think that Republicans are an anti-woman, anti-black party..."


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O-bama as Ala-bama? Puzzling evidence to be sure

better get Alex Jones on this...

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<i> if Republicans, after forcing Susan Rice to withdraw her name from consideration, swoon over Kerry and Hagel and vote to confirm them, it will only lead ordinary Americans to think that Republicans are an anti-woman, anti-black party which opposed a black woman only to vote for two stridently liberal white men.</i>

OK, time for Obama to withdraw Brennan and nominate Angela Davis for CIA. She'd sail through the confirmation.

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I believe he is actually a Bolshevik these days because he has dared to suppose we should not always go to war. Comment from <a href="http:\/\/www.theamericanconservative...\/larison\/the-petty-spiteful-critics-of-hagel\/" target="_blank">Larrison</a>:

...That the selection offends and annoys people whose foreign policy recommendations have been so disastrous for the country is an additional piece of confirmation that Hagel was the better choice. He was also reportedly the preferred choice all along, which suggests that there was something other than spite driving the selection. Hagel’s supporters aren’t making a trade-off. They aren’t accepting the possibility of a “lousy” Secretary of Defense just to annoy Republican hawks. They are supporting someone who will probably be a competent Secretary of Defense, and in the process the hawks are helping to discredit themselves with their disgraceful smear campaign. ... P.S. There isn’t any need to “punish” Republican hawks with individual Cabinet nominations. That’s silly. Their party has lost the last three of four elections, which is why they aren’t in a position to install one of their own at the Pentagon. Throwing a fit over Hagel’s nomination is one of the most obvious cases of sour grapes in recent years.

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this is totally off topic but i wish we had a different movie ad than 'mama'.

something with johnny depp or clooney or something.

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There are, sadly, people who refuse to recognize the correct spelling of the Laugher Curve.

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<i>"Remember how we singlehandedly won World War One..."</i>

Don't forget the Civil War. We won that one too! Doesn't anyone remember who lost?

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not according to those Texas school books

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she was great in Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice

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buy ALCOA and Reynolds stock while you're at it

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so Hagel is their token white hate?

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