Obama And A Puppy Will Save The Porn Industry Forever
The pornography, or "porn", industry would also like $5 billion for a bailout of its own please. The entirety of government looks forward to the lobbying for this thing. [ CNN Political Ticker ]
Boozy teevee starlet Terry McAuliffe has already begun to Robocall the people of Virginia in hopes that they will reward this behavior by electing him governor in two years. [ HuffPost ]
It was only after Bush told the Obamas that the White House guest house was booked that George and Laura asked the Prime Minister of Australia, Hugh Jackman, to stay there for literally no reason other than to make sure that if Obama drove by he would see there was a car in the driveway. [ Crooks and Liars ]
Joe Biden is off to Southwest Asia now, to finally see the Benjamin Button film. [ Marc Ambinder ]
Here your Hope Porn du jour: it's Barack Obama cuddling with an adorable three-legged puppy that will soon be appointed the new Senator from Illinois because you earned it, America. [ The Weekly Standard]