If Our Sarah got into the backyard, she and her brood would tip over the compost bin, kill and eat all the squirrels, and chew up the grass running endless circles around the house on their sleds. Her interminable screeching would just be a bonus.

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These libtards need a giant dope slap. I t has been only two years people! In those 2 years we have a rudimentary start to revising health care in the direction that actually benefits the insured instead of the CEOs and their stock holders. Is it enough? No! Of course not. But this small step was accomplished despite the right wingers locked stepped “Hell no you can’t” mindless attitude. Do you really think sitting on your sniveling lard asses, instead of voting, will improve the situation? Suck it up and pull the lever you socialist slugs. Friggin’ whiners.

See what you did? You made Monsieur Grumpe grumpy.

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monsieur_grumpe is as awesome in wrath as in mirth.

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In this case though, the homeowners would return early from the convenience store to their unfinished yard, sipping on a thirsty-two ouncer, and fly into a rage and chase off the team, brandishing their half-eaten corndog, while ranting that the new trees aren't even close to providing that cool luscious shade as promised, and their kids are total assholes, still, only sweaty.

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