What, you don't have your soroscalendar?

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shoe, shoe

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This is correct.

They were astonished/appalled/made crazy when Clinton won in 92 (thank you, crazy Ross).

The fact that he was barely to the left of Poppy Bush was irrelevant, because he was a fucking Democrat, and therefore evil.

Because Obama has endured so much abuse, we sometimes forget how much the right wing assholes hated Bubba.

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My first reaction was, no, forget it.

Upon further review, you're probably right.

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I've heard him a few times in auto repair waiting rooms and the like. It's medium-high-pitch, severely monotone, and repetitive. Don't fail to miss it if you can.

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Jesus. By the time I got here in the comments, I had forgotten the imbecile had actually written that.

I hadn't even thought it might be an age joke -- I just assumed he wrote "axiom" and then flashed on Greeks -- but you might be right. That would even be marginally clever, but poorly delivered.

Mostly, I think the guy is just a twit.

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I'll see your ew, and raise you an *oukes*.

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Hillz's balls are already big enough.

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Oooh, I like that one. Of course a popular, rich, war hero President would figure subjecting himself to gunfire while in a moving vehicle was the best strategy to ensure his re-election. Why didn't I see this before?

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That would only be turned into proof of her collusion...

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Taking a bite out of it before zinging it back a deadly speed would have been a nice touch.

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Oh, it's important - but not nearly as videogenic as the bloviating blowhards on the right.

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Wanna bet I can find some RWNJ posting about how Hillary is responsible for the missing plane? Haven't even looked yet, but I'm 100% certain I can find it.

The fact that there's no doubt about it says a lot about the state of the conservatard movement.

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Wow, he speaks Greek.

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It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

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