He's short, goofy-looking, and likes to give condescending lectures. He won't go over well.

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this is truly a poor opinion piece.

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Yeah, we were relieved to have gotten so little pounding. We were expecting very bad flooding, and we got nothing.

I drove by the other day looking for the boat. It's like I how I still look for the twin towers when I go to NYC.

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Thank you for asking. We're fine, because it turned out to be little more than a strong breeze, with some light rain. The power never even went out. I was thinking yesterday "well this turned out to be a big whoop over nothing." It was funny because it turned out to be almost anti-climactic (not that I'm not grateful and relieved).

It was pretty stunning that nothing happened, since they were predicting a 2 to 4 foot storm surge at Folly, but I haven't heard anything. I'm still downtown, so I haven't gone to check for damage at the beach, but I don't think there is any.

As a side note, Jimmy Buffett was out surfing at Folly on Wednesday. I got a kick out of it, because the authorities had repeatedly warned people not to go out there. He must have gone with a resident, because they were only letting residents on the island. Then there was a newspaper article, with his picture, saying "Jimmy Buffett was surfing at Folly Beach." They mentioned he had a song called "Surfing in a Hurricane."

Another side note: you know the famous Folly boat that had all of that paint on it? The one where people used to write messages, a little before you got on to the island? Well that is now gone. The last hurricane got it.

Let's keep our fingers crossed for the people in North Carolina, because they got totally battered.

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I don't know who you think you are--actually yes I do, you think you're some kind of privileged white patrician from old money and a pedigree going back to the Magna Carta (I peeked at some of your other ramblings). So many sad-sads from you and this lashing out at people you don't even know. Kick back with a Lynchburg Lemonade and get yourself together Josie. You're too uptight, you're triggered like a common snowflake girl. Breathe....calm.

Once you're gotten you blood pressure down to 225/170, please proceed to the Wonkette Bazaar (find the picture of the lady--my sovereign and liege lady--who may or may not be Xena Warrior Princess) and ask where the "fuck your feelings" department, and mention my name. SelahI'm praying for you Josie, praying all your grandchildren are washed away in Hurricane Florence.

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You know what's the worst part? No AC if the power goes off. The humidity here is brutal, I almost passed out today.

It turns out that we may not get the worst of the storm. They're saying maybe only a foot of storm surge. I've been here before when we've had 15 inches of rain, so that's not going to be anything new. My mom's neighbors have a generator, and they said we could power up our phones, and I'm hoping they might let us sit in front of their fan or something.

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I believe that's a bill of attainder, which the Constitution forbids.

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Nothing on reality TV is 'true'.

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No you shut the fuck up you communist liberal left SOB!

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Yeah, but that's for hard and repetitive tasks like harvesting radishes all day. I'm sure Ben signed his kid up for things like lambing and brushing colts and collecting eggs. "Uh, yes Madison, very good, very helpful. The lambs do look cuter with those ribbons around their necks." - the farmer, probably.

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Yes, but can they make a decent religieuse à l'ancienne?

Because that is all that matters (ye gawds, I love that show).

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We're now thinking about heading down to Tampa, or just staying here. Sigh...

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I learned that excellent word from my Gran when I was in third grade.

(Good gawd, that was 70 years ago.)

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The 70s and 80s still had strong unions and affordable housing prices. The costs of the basic things for living have soared astronomically since then, but wages and salaries for ordinary people haven't, to understate. They've been rolled back in real terms. I know things weren't great then , but compared to today they look like a golden age of equality. Back the a person could have a minimum wage job and at least cover rent, the fear of homelessness was not a concept for a working person in the 70s. Today is a much, much harder and crueler place than then.

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challenge accepted!

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Is he aware that some farms will pay their hands? So that his daughter might have benefited, shall we say, in a real sense?

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