Sorry. Once you go back, you can't go black.\

BTW, I hear that when they contract Obola, most RWNJs commence to bleed from their earholes and think cavities.

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So, is this going to be like an office Giving Tree, or do we actually get to pick out our mandatory gay spouses ourselves?

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Lots, and I mean LOTS of caveats in that article about the limitations of their data and the difficulty of analysis which necessitate numerous simplifying assumptions. Too many simplifications, one could argue, along with too little data. The four hypothetical situations that they outline all involve people who range from pretty darned well-off to people who are <i>damned</i> well-off. The real impact of presumed advantages are not as clear-cut, as widely distributed or as significant as the authors imply due to a whole host of complications and confounding factors.

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Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.

My father, who vividly remembered the Great Depression, would let out a loud sneer whenever they sang that particular lyric.

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I blame cable. TV reception got so good that no one ever had any motivation to venture outside and meet their neighbors anymore.

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Your new RNC Chairman: <a href="http:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/en\/3\/33\/Thehost.jpg" target="_blank">Flukeman,</a> the coprophage.

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T-shirt, jeans and Muck boots will work fine around here. As will just about anything else that you might pick out to wear that day. Everyone here dresses for comfort and function and no one dresses up. Ever. (It's been quite a few years since I have worn a tie, for example.) There ain't no stinkin' dress code for anyone.

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Gaybortions, how do they work? No one knows.

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I called Mrs. Fartknocker and told her to sell all of our Raytheon stock. Damn LBGT people interrupting my freedom and prosperity by eliminating the need for gaydars.

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Rainbow burkas?

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Motorcycle jump?! That's <i>just like</i> Obama to go back in time and replace his water skis stunt with something cool!

DAMN YOU OBAMA!! You left me with a sad memory of Fonzie on the water in his leather jacket and shorts!

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Argle is going to be marrying Bargle?

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Hey, we need to rebrand that ... "We're FOR Many Things!"

Unspoken fine print "You probably wouldn't know them, they aren't from this <strike>town</strike> century."

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All the bakeries around here are only making penis cakes, penis cookies, and penis eclairs. The crullers looked normal, but they told me those have always been gay.

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Reading this, I found myself thinking of the Japanese soldiers who were found hiding in caves up to 60 years after WWII, unaware the war was over. So here's my message to conservative Christians: The gays have already nuked your Hiroshima, and the Nagasaki plane is in the air. It's time to surrender, and start rebuilding your dogma.

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With a few more "alsos" and "goshes" it would be like he had Sarah Palin writin' his speeches.

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